Chapter 11: Alphas Meeting

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I was lost in a vision as he described the events from our past. Thinking it would trigger a moment like before were id meet a prior life, confused when it didn't. Christian wiped the tears from my checks and pulled us up into a sitting position.

"Faye....I'm..." Christian's voice was choked and swallowed by his thick emotions. I shook my head this was a lot to take in but I knew in my heart that I held no resentment toward him. Christian held my face in his hands "You are so young and so wise. Every time we meet I fall for you over and over. I don't deserve you" I took his hand and turned my face to press a kiss to the center of his palm.

"Whether you altered my fate or not we were meant for each other or I wouldn't keep finding you" I watched his eyes change as they flickered to my lips. Smiling I leaned into him "Kiss me" I stated smoothly. I may seem confident but my heart was hammering away in my chest. Anxiety filled my gut as I anticipated rejection.

 "My pleasure" he all but purred as he closed the distance between our lips. The moment they touched it was like coming up for fresh air after a dive into the ocean. Pure bliss washed over me as I smiled into the kiss.

Christian ran a hand up my leg and rested it on my hip. A spark of insecurity flashed as I felt him rub little circles on love handles. Christian seemed to sense the change and pulled back to study my face.

 "You already know I find you attractive. Don't ever think otherwise." I smiled, glancing over at my alarm clock I nodded. "We have to get going" I stated as I climbed over him and off the bed. Christian ran his hand over me as I climbed around him and I winked once I was upright near my dresser. "We?" he asked throwing his legs off the bed.

I shrugged "The letter stated I can only bring my mate or second in command with me" I wasn't going to grovel for him to come along if he really didn't want too. "Of course I'll come. Are you okay with the world knowing about us?" he raised an eyebrow as he stood and made his way over to me. "Yes and I'm sure Clarity has told the entire school already."

I rolled my eyes, Christian's brows scrunched as he recalled the events. "You're right who will be your second-in-command" he questioned me. "Me duh" a dark hiss filled the room right before a warm glow begin to grow behind me Laisrén smiled in his natural form. "You can't come in looking like that," I said to him. He bowed and exchanged his current form to his human form his fiery long red hair was partially braided into a warrior braid. He wore a simple black wife beater tucked into his black artillery pants.

 I smiled at him we matched, we would look intimidating. Christian look to me "I look out of place" his black slacks and black button-down didn't look too out of place. I walked into his grasp and undid the first few buttons to his shirt. "There now let's scare the Alphas" my face lit up once again with a fiery grin.


I rolled my eyes for what I felt like the 17th time since we left the dorm we left right as people were let go for lunch. Which meant everyone was just milling around and staring at my little group. In a short time, I was given the invite, the entire school was buzzing. Girls were gawking at the two men, some are giving me dirty looks. So again eye rolls. Getting through this crowd was difficult and I had a feeling we were going to be late.

Following the directions to the meeting location, I was surprised to find it being held in a large glass Dome. It almost seemed to be a greenhouse, the inside was set up with trees and bushes and flowers all around.

 In the center was a large rectangular table the Alphas sat at the table with their mates at their sides and behind them sat single chairs for their second commands. I recognized Alpha Jensen at one end of the table. Before coming up to the table I studied the group, there is only a handful of Alphas without their mates. Either hadn't found theirs yet or their mates have passed on.

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