Chapter 28

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It's been a little over an hour since the vampire scouts warned us of the impending army. Christian has not left my side this entire time and I'm truly grateful. I didn't want a moment alone again if I was honest. I stood off to the side as Jensen and Jake both spoke to their packs. We had decided the witches would be on the roofs to the school and dorm buildings. 

The elves and Fairies who mainly used archery would be posted some on the roofs, and rest at the base of the buildings. The werewolves were fighting in wolf form along with any other were-people we had in the school. As I discovered today we had quite a few amount of felines and birds. The vampires are staying near the trees, using their speed and stealth to their advantage. Christian wanted me to stay in the back but he knew I couldn't do that. Across the campus we had a good hundred students that stayed to fight.

Jensen brought 60 of his strongest warriors, he left the rest to guard his own pack. He was unable to locate Clarity and I had a sickening feeling that she would be in this army. They were close enough we could hear the chaos. The humans were desperately trying to escape the city. 

As much as I wanted to help them this was something we had to handle here first. It seems heartless but what would happen if we had told them. There would be more casualties toward the paranormal community. We couldn't notify the town without it notifying the army to come in. The damage to our world and the human world would be so much great, than if we handled it ourselves.

Tightening my hold on the cool metal in my hand I watched as people got into their positions. For a bunch of students they looked more like warrior. All of them held a scowl on their faces. Christian flanked me as I walked to the front of the battle grounds. I faced the school, scanning the many faces in front of me. "I need all of you to know. That you are not fighting for me. You are fighting for this school, for your family and for all paranormals to come. I'd rather not waste precious lives like this but the fight was unavoidable. Keep a watchful eye and protect each other." As I talked I could hear the crowd getting riled up. I wasn't much of a motivational speaker but I was hoping they would keep this in mind.

Behind you. An urgent whisper sent me whipping to face the front entrance. I clicked the button to open my staff and sent a fireball out just as a large wolf came onto the grounds. The wolf yelped, the fur on its face singed. The wolf growled, its hackles up in the air, his chest low to the ground. I took in the wolf who looked more feral beast then civilized werewolf.

 Its brown fur was patchy and covered in muck. "Their using rogues." Jake yelled out to the field. The wolf began lumbering toward me and I got ready for the fight. No one stepped forward, holding their breath and watching the so called goddess reincarnates work.

I didn't mind though. I was seeing red and was ready to fight. Springing the staff I drew a circle of fire around me and the wolf. It yelped again as its tail caught on fire. With a battle cry I brought the harden steel down on the wolf's head. As I hit the wolf I knew I couldn't kill him myself. Taking the hit it lashed out snapping its teeth near my ankle. Using my staff I sent myself flying over the wolf. Before I could turn myself back to the wolf, it sent its back leg into me. Pushing me out of the ring of fire.

 The good thing about my fames, is that they never caused me any damage. I shook my head the cold air of the battle field once again hitting me. I looked around the field no new enemies had come onto campus. I waved at the crowd before sticking my head back into the fire. I quickly pulled back as the wolf swiped at me. "Okay I'm going to need a little help here. EARTH COME TO ME!" I yelled for my element staff raised in the air. "About time" Gaia's voice rang out around the field making people look around for who had spoken.

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