Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

PAIN. Squeezing my eyes tighter. My head was pounding and I swayed feeling dizzy. I couldn't move far. I was tied to a chair my arms behind my back. A cloth of some sort was shoved in my mouth and taped over. I was unable to close my mouth any further. Slowly I opened my eyes, the room was spinning and I wish I could apply pressure to my head. The room was dimly lit less than the last place I was held. I really got to stop getting kidnapped this is becoming a habit. I scanned the room, it didn't seem like I was underground but the windows were covered with tarps. Again pain seized my head and I passed out.


"Faye get your ass up!"


"Common Faye...."

Voices stirred me in my slumber.

"There you are"

"That's it. You got to push throw it"


"Dammit Faye noooo"

Gaia where are you.

I felt the pull of consciousness again and slowly opened my eyes. I was still in the same room since the last time I woke up. The room was now pitch black now sliver of light shown in thru the tarp. My eyes slowly adjusted to the low light. I could slowly make out shapes and I swore I could see someone in the corner of the room. I squinted at the shape. "I guess you found me huh?" his voice floated to my ears. Everything came flooding back to me. Christian had betrayed me. Anger cursed through my veins, I muffled against my gag. "Do you want to know why?" He asked stalking closer to me. He knelt on one knee in front of me. He cupped my head in his hands. I shook my head hard, I didn't want him touching me. "My Love don't be like that" He purred, bile rose in my throat. "It's not like this is the first time its happened." He spoke nonchalantly. I was so confused, how could he betray me like this. BETRAYAL. The word burned in my head again. "I see you're confused. Ill make it easy for you." He tapped the side of my head with some kind of cool metal. I jerked away from it but he continued to rub it down my face. Swiftly he hit me with the metal. My head whipping to the side. I couldn't pull my eyes open as my head lolled. As I began to fade I could hear his maniacal laugh.

"You should wake up" a male voice floated to my ears. With a groan I lowly opened my eyes. This time I sat at a table my arms were free and there was a pad of paper with a pencil in front of me. Christian sat across the table, he seemed thinner. "Good good now go ahead ask me what you want." He gestured to the paper. I watched him silently not moving, "TAKE THE PENCIL!" He screamed causing me to jump. He returned to his normal calm demeanor.

I picked up the pencil and slowly scribbled on the pad. I showed it to him and he laughed. "Why? You want to know why i'm doing this?" I nodded my head. I was despite to swallow my throat dry. The gag soaked up any moisture in my mouth and it was starting to become tortuous. Again he laughed "Because of you of course." He said it like he had answered my question in whole. Seeing my confused face he pointed to the pad again. Again I wrote out my question.

What do you mean because of me?

He took the pad and rolled his eyes tossing it back to me. "Well you tricked me. Well your soul did. You seduced me out of the sky and know I have been living on this god for saken place never to return to my family to my FATHER!" As he spoke he got more and more aggressive. He pounded his fist on the table. I had never seen him like this. Had he really deceived me? Taking the pencil with a new determination in my eye I wrote my next question.

You said this isn't the first time? What did you mean?

This brought another smile to Christians face. "Well dear, every one of your past lives have died at my hands." What he was saying didn't add up. "I was a guard in the concentration camp. I pushed you out that window." As he spoke I shook my head. I didn't want to hear anymore I didn't want to be here anymore. I closed my eyes trying to focus on my powers.I could barely feel the connection to them. What was once a roaring river was barely a trickle of power. "Oh I wouldn't do that. You're only going to hurt yourself more." As he spoke I sent the pencil into the side of neck.

"Ahhhhhhh" he screamed yanking the pencil out. "You stupid bitch" he yelled backhanding me. My head whipped to the side a sickening crack sounded from my neck. "That was to close. We will have up your dosage." He nursed his wound and walked over to a corner just outside of the lamps range. He came back with a large syringe. I couldn't move away from him as he pushed it into my neck. Slowly my body began to feel warm, pain coming over me in waves. I tried to scream out but the gag kept any noise in my throat.

Through the pain I smelt iron as warm liquid slowly trickled out of my ears and nose. "Opps might have given you too much. Oh well it'll come faster. See you in a day or so" He laughed one last time before flipping the lamp off. Once again I was in the dark, and slowly began fading.

The next time I awoke I was alone. I was no longer in the same room as the last times id woken up. This time I lay on a stone cot that hung from the wall. I wasn't bond anymore and the gag was removed from my mouth. I sat up quickly hanging my feet over the edge. Before I could do anything else a violent cough raked over my body. With the cough came a mass amount of blood. Once the coughing subsided I winced at the amount of blood on the floor.

I leaned my upper body on the concrete wall. I was to weak to get up from the uncomfortable spot. My head still swam dizzy from the recent events. He betrayed us, all of us. I don't know how long i sat there in my own misery. The longer i sat there the more i thought about it. Agony. My heart physically hurt. Every thump of my felt like i was using a bruised muscle. 

The tears had been streaming down my face since i had stopped coughing. My breathing was starting to come uneven. I wasn't sure if it was a response to whatever christian had given me or my growing anxiety attacked. 

I was growing weak. That was the only thing i was sure of. Silently my body raked with shivers. 

I sat like that for who knows how long. I let my body drop back to the cot. Eventually i stopped crying, however i think i ran out and that was the only reason why i stopped. Did he even love me? Jake would never do this to Glitter. He rather die, I know it. Are we even mates? I've never heard of a fallen angel getting a soul mate. How could i be so Naive. Trusting someone full heartedly like i did. Before i could go into another inner battle with myself a door creaked open across from me. 

Christian all but slithered into the room. Closing the door behind him. He hadn't locked the door, figured id be to weak to fight and he was right. He dragged a chair from the table to the cot and sat in front of me. That was it. He sat like that in silences for what felt like days. At one point i started coughing again, and he just watched as i hacked up blood all over myself.

Finally, unable to stand the silence i spoke. "Why" my voice was scratchy and it hurt more to speak. "Why... you make me" I had to know. Was i really his mate, could he really hate me so much to trick me.

He stared at me blankly for a long time. Unmoving, he spoke "I cant help it" That was it. He couldn't help making me fall in love! Has my life always been a game to him. The joy my past lives had felt for him had been a LIE. I felt my heart break all over again.

I held my chest and curled in on myself. Depression reaching its dark tentacles around me pulling me into its cold embrace.

This time christian didn't hit me or drug me. He just got up and left the room. Leaving me alone with my mind was worse than torturing me. 


I know this is a short chapter trust me it'll be made up. And its a fast upload! 

Hope everything is well.

Talk to you later Fellow Sinners!

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