Chapter 15

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First of all thank you so much for being patient! I wrote this chapter right after the last but because of a crazy computer malfunction at work i lost the whole chapter! I was super upset because of the mood of the chapter. It had a lot happening and new things playing out on the Darker side of Faye and her brothers that i was upset i had retype it from scratch! Anyway i made this one longer since i've made all of you wait! 

Thank you!


Chapter 15

Christian followed me into the kitchen. To right was all the kitchen appliances. My parents, Xavier and James sat in the chairs on the other side of the table. The twins sat to our left and Glitter sat on Jakes lap next to the twins. Hunter brought over the rest of the food a placed it on the table in front of us. The twins kept staring at Xavier and I couldn't keep the smile from my face.

 My mother looked over at me her steely gray eyes penetrating me. "Mother for the love of god cut it out" my mother like me was also gifted. Another women with added benefits. She was able to persuade others. People called it charm but we knew what it really was. "Okay okay. So introduce your friends" She said taking a bite of her scrambled eggs.

 "To my left is Luke and Camren then there is Jake and his mate and my best friend Glitter. Glitters my dorm mate!" I smiled down at her and she waved back. "And to my right is Christian Quil" I smiled toward him.  My father snorted and crossed his arms across his chest. I ignored him and purposely avoided his gaze. "So Christian, tell me how old are you" he asked. I perked up also wanting to know the answer. "Older than anyone in this house." He said back. He had been eating and softly rubbing circles with his left hand on my thigh.

 Hunter was the next to cross his arms "So what are you then?" I then did something very unlady like. I scarf all my breakfast down. "Let's go to the pond!" I spoke thru my food and my mother's face screwed up in disgust. "Faye for the love of goddess. Don't talk with your mouth full!" I watched as she got flustered and my father turned to calm his wife. "Dear its fine its fine." The boys took my lead and finished off their food. Glitters plate remained untouched and hunter pointed to her food. "Can you not eat human food?" he asked her. She shook her head "Nope its either my bottles or..." She turned her head to looked at Jake.

I flushed at the thought of Glitter and Jake in the heat of the moment. Jake nipped the air in between them and Glitter giggled again. Hunter began to pull the plate away from her and in front of himself. James who had been silently eating his food next to Xavier finally spoke up. "Rude!" he attempted to reach over the table and take the food my other brother was currently trying to sneak away. "I think that's best before your brothers get yelled at" My father said to me. I looked over at my mother as she lost control of her nice breakfast.

 Christian took the que to stand up and offer me a hand. I took it and both of our plates placing them by the sink. My friends followed my suit and I walked over to the back door. "Okay we will be home later love you" I opened the door and jumped onto the porch. Looking out at our back yard Luke let out another whistle. "What's up with your fence" he asked. Looking out at the other houses you can see where they had a back fence we did not. "Well my mother talked my father into buying the property. When my powers started to get out of hand we had to do something to help me work through them. See that wooded area there's a good size pond there." I said pointing to a cluster of trees. 

My brothers filed out of the house and down past us. "Come on" they yelled as they took off for the trees. "I'm not racing you!" I screamed back. James flipped me off "Pussy" he screamed back. I smiled and dived of the porch "Okay now we are racing!" I took off after them and smiled harder as Jake and the twins ran past me. Christian was on my heels and Glitter floated near us. "No fair Glitters cheating" now in the tree line I could dive around the underbrush. Once we were out of the trees I stopped on the shore of the pond. Taking harsh breaths I took a seat at the bonfire.

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