Chapter 10

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Aspen parked the truck outside the back parking lot of the palace, behind the kitchens and we all got out, creeping back into the kitchens. It was about two in the morning, but as we arrived back into the kitchen, there was a loud chatter filling the room. 

The door we had walked in closed loudly as it shut behind us, causing the whole room of staff to look in our direction. It wasn't just kitchen staff in there either, there we several guards, and at least half the maid staff.

"Don't you people have jobs!" Aspen said, using his general voice. 

Everyone stood in silence as he waited for an answer. All of them looked to Maxon, in his normal people clothes, his hair a boyish mess, as if he would say something as well, but he stay silent. I stood next to Marlee, who I could tell was looking for Carter, to no avail. I couldn't locate him either.

"He's probably just finishing getting the kids to bed, or even sleeping by now." I suggested. 

"I know, but every time someone is missing from a crowd... I just get uneasy, you know. Like it somehow has something to do with them." And I could understand that. After all she had been through.

"Um, well, General, sir, we all weren't sure what to do because there was no one to report to. We were told both you and the king were in a meeting that could not be disturbed under any circumstances, and we obviously couldn't go to the Queen." An uneasy guard finally said.

"What do you mean 'we obviously couldn't go to the Queen'. She is my wife, she has the authority to have you do exactly what she wants." Maxon said, coming out in front of Aspen.

A few of the guards snickered.

"Well, that was exactly the problem, your majesty." A hidden voice said from within the crowd, causing a bunch of snickers to irrupt.  

"You, who said that, step out in front of me and his Majesty's." Aspen ordered loudly, causing me to jump. Marlee grabbed my hand, and I realized hers was cold and clammy. 

"It's probably nothing Ames, we are probably just tired, I'm sure Kriss is fine, and Carter in fine, and everyone is fine." She comforted me. But I had feeling that not everything was fine, that something very bad had happened tonight.

The crowd had hushed, and the owner of the voice did not step forward to reveal his self.

"That, was an order, not a request." Aspen's voice had become deeper, angrier, less patient.

Still no one stepped forward.

"Alright. If no one steps forward in the next 10 sentences, every guard in this room, and I know it was a guard, will be doing double shifts for 2 weeks, with 1/4th pay." His voice was smoother now, sending an eerie chill down my spine.

After almost ten seconds, someone finally made their way through the crowd of people. Aspen was right it had been a guard. A guard that I knew.

Officer James, the one Mary had called attractive.

"At least you aren't as cowardice as to allow many guards families to go hungry. Now, Soldier, explain you words." His voice was back to hard, full of strength and power.

"There will be no need for that, sir, because I have all your answers." Office Middleton also emerged from the crowd, almost out of breath. 

"Officer Middleton." I breathed, so relieved to see him, someone who would have actual answers for us. He smiled when I said his name.

"You are going to want to come with me, all of you." He ushered us to come with him out of the kitchens. I saw Marlee stiffen as he added the last part, and I hoped it wasn't as bad as his voice sounded.

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