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uuuuhhhhh hi?

well if you know me at all, you know that I write a lot

(not as often as I SHOULD, but whatever?)

Anyway, as the description says, this is a collection of my short stories. Some of these will be several chapters long, others will only be a few paragraphs.

A lot of these will be MCSM, but I may do some other fandom stuff sometimes, as well as my own original ideas.

And these stories aren't oneshots, exactly. Some of them might be romantic, but really I don't know.

I'm not exactly taking requests, but if you have a suggestion that you think I should write, do tell me. I have several ideas, but I'm not an endless creativity fountain. I'm also kinda bad at keeping stories short, I get WAY carried away.

Lastly, idk how often I'm going to update this. My motivation comes and goes-I either wrote nothing at all or like ten chapters in one go. There's no in between.
Meaning that if I don't finish one of these short ones soon, I may never finish it.

aaannnndddd yeah enjoy i guess


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