Future (contest entry)

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entry for MCSMFanClub's June contest! originally this was going to be about Xara but it only took me like two sentences to figure out I'd rather have it be about Romeo.


Romeo was no longer interested in the future.

It had all happened before. Patterns and loops, the same things happening again and again in different ways. History repeated itself, with different settings and people, but all the same old tricks.

Heroes rose. They fell. Villains appeared. They were taken down. The world changed. It changed again. All the same things, going through the motions again and again.

No one else noticed anymore. The lives of mortals weren't enough to see everything- they did not realize the patterns they fell into.

And why should they? Really, they were just parts in the machine. Cogs and wheels, doing their part, letting the world keep turning the exact same way.

Romeo was no longer interested in the future.

He'd seen enough of humanity, and enough of the patterns. He didn't care what else the mortals might do, what kinds of trouble they'd stir up and how they'd solve it. He thought he'd be happy up here in this new world, away from all his previous problems. He thought things could be different, now that he was the sole Admin with a new form and a new legacy to be made.

But he wasn't.

Maybe he never would be.

He wasn't distinctly unhappy now. He wasn't really anything, lying dormant under miles of water in this gigantic shell of a body. He wasn't really sure what he felt anymore, if he was feeling anything at all.

He knew that, far away, the same old patterns were repeating the cycles. New heroes. New problems. New events. All the same old ways.

Romeo was no longer interested in the future.

It was boring. Sure, sometimes it seemed interesting for a bit, in the beginning when things were just starting out and you could pretend to not know what would happen. But that brief fascination always faded quickly for him, as he realized that despite the initial excitement, things were turning out exactly the same.

He'd already fallen into those loops, already seen what happened when you jumped into life unawares.

It was a cookie-cutter story, really. He had been the hero, the kind you've already seen a thousand times. There had been a conflict, and villains had arose in the forms of his friends. Oh, that had been a twist for sure, but when it came down to it, that just made it more predictable. And of course, in the end, he'd won. Things had been solved, and it all faded into the past.

He knew all these patterns now. Even when things went weird, they always ended up solved in the same sort of way.

Romeo was no longer interested in the future.

At least, not the future of the mortals. But now, he wondered. Would the future be more interesting if he was involved?

Another loop was going through the motions high above. Another young hero was rising to claim their role, gradually knocking down every obstacle in their path. Another story was making its rounds.

And what if- what if -Romeo stepped in? What if he decided to reappear, becoming part of the great cosmic story of life again? What then?

Romeo was no longer interested in the future.

At least, not one that didn't involve him.


hhhh. hh. h.

tbh I quite hate Romeo but boy he's fun to write about sometimes

I have no idea if this is within the word limit or not but boy do I hope it is. might try to edit it down a bit more later just in case it's not

 lmao I really need to learn to check things dfjkhkjfg


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