5 day poem challenge #2

101 8 3

i had a weird dream last night and i don't remember what it was about but i woke up crying

do i have a title for this?? no

We dream

We fall

We rise and fall again

We forget the way we're supposed to go

We find new heroes in our friends

We dream about the future and

We say goodbye to the past

We move on in life and

We leave our dreams behind

They catch up

They remind us of what we lost

They fill our heads

They make us wake up crying

They twist memories until we don't know who we are

They change the way we see the world

They remind us of where we're supposed to go

They make us move forward and

They don't let us leave them behind

totally didn't just write this in five minutes haha

MudkipBrony im gonna keep tagging you ha


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