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Jesse sat bolt upright, grasping handfuls of her blankets in a flurry of panic. Her eyes darted around the dim room, not registering what she saw.

Bookshelves, chests, a crafting table. A window overlooking the town.

Her own simple room.

Her sharp green eyes sought out the darkest corners, instinctively scanning for threats she slowly began to realize weren't there. She's not in danger. She's not dying. The dreadful nightmare was only that.

She sighed, leaning back against her pillows. Her heart was still pounding like mad, but at least her brain was calming.

God, what a nightmare.

It's not even that it was so horrific, but that it was so real. Uncannily tangible dreams have always been the most despised by her.

Jesse couldn't get that mask out of her head. The pitch-black eyeholes, the jagged white edges smeared with blood. And that horrible, horrible grin, smiling madly, frozenly, as it dragged the serrated blade across her stomach.

She shuddered. It was not unusual for her to have nightmares about things that have happened to her in the past, but she was not as often plagued by terrors that came only from her own subconscious.

She glanced at the window, trying to gauge what time it was. The town outside was still dark, only the faintest trickle of dawn light beginning to show itself in the east. She would definitely not be awake were it not for that awful dream.

She pushed herself begrudgingly out of bed, moving to close the curtains. With any luck, she'd be able to drift back off to sleep and forget the ghastly dream ever happened. She knew, of course, that she'd probably be awake for as much as an hour before her mind finally managed to relax, but she couldn't help hoping.

She'd only taken a few steps before a strange ache made her freeze. Her stomach hurt. Not internally, but

Like she'd been injured.

A slow, cold chill settled over her shoulders as she cautiously lifted the hem of her shirt, studying the familiar dark skin beneath.

The familiar dark skin, suddenly marred across with a pale still-healing scar, in the very same place the nightmare creature had slashed her.


Literally don't even know what this is, I was wide awake at 1 am and just,, started typing lol

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