routine run

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hi. helo. i haven't written anything good in a matter of months nd i'm kinda losing my will to do anything so. i decided to write a quick drabble about some of my Another Eden characters.
was running dungeons yesterday and just sorta, ,, ,, thought about character dynamics a bit too much ??? and figured this'd be a good thing to start off with if i'm gonna attempt to pick up writing again


unless you haven't played Another Eden. then ur just gonna be confused. sorry.


Deirdre sighed heavily, leaning back against the spiked fence that lined the Spacetime Rift. The pointed tips dug into her back, but they couldn't hurt her through her armour.

"What is taking Rosetta so long? And where on earth is Dewey?" she griped.

"Calm down, Deirdre. We haven't been waiting long." Felmina said patiently. The white-haired assassin was standing next to her, absent-mindedly polishing her purple blade on the black fabric of her skirt. Ferris, the cat currently with their party, paused in grooming her fluffy russet fur long enough to give Deirdre a disapproving stare as Felmina continued. "They're both busy people, and I'm sure they have other things to do than routine dungeon runs."

Deirdre scowled at her, though it went mostly unnoticed. Felmina was a very difficult person to rattle. "I know that. I'd just like to get this over with. I hate this stupid dungeon."

"We could replace you, you know." Nagi spoke up, her words slightly obscured by the Promised Fruit she was munching on. "I'm sure Elga wouldn't mind coming along. She's an earth unit too."

Now Deirdre's glare was turned on the squid girl, though it was more for the idea of the flighty, hooded, amnesiac taking her place. She didn't mind Elga, but what she didn't like was the idea of someone with a similar skill set being deemed more important.

"She's not as strong as me." Deirdre announced, flicking her purple ponytail. "Maybe when she gets her manifest weapon it'll be a different story, but for now, I'm still better."

A rough laugh sounded from the right, and Deirdre turn her head to see Ewan striding up. She internally cursed her bad luck- if anyone was going to lecture her on weapons and strength, it would be him.

"Manifests aren't everything, ya know. Oh, they're handy alright, but don't you give 'em credit for all our strength. See, Nagi doesn't even use hers, and she's our top attacker. Renri don't even have one yet and she's second place. Y'just bitter." He said with an easygoing grin. As someone who literally traded in magical weapons as a lifestyle, Ewan always had a lot to say on the topic.

Deirdre shut her eyes so she wouldn't be tempted to glare at him, too. It really wasn't a good idea to be on bad terms with the rest of your party when preparing to go into a difficult dungeon, but this particular group did a good job of getting on her nerves. Not to mention that the last two members of the team still hadn't shown up.

She didn't like waiting around. She wanted to already be in the fray, cutting through every enemy that appeared in her path. Deirdre didn't want to admit it, but she actually liked running this particular dungeon- the two horrors they needed materials from were weak to earth attacks, which meant she got to really cut loose. It was a fun challenge without being too overwhelmingly dangerous, and she and Nagi made a good team.

"Where do you think they are?" Deirdre asked, trying to keep her voice from slipping into hostility. She wanted to be in there already.

Felmina lifted her dagger, examining the edge in the dull yellow lamplight. "Rosetta's probably on a quest or something. She gets passed around a lot, since she's such a good healer." she said thoughtfully.

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