now i'm feeling so disgusted by the habits and the have-nots

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"I hope you know how much I don't trust you."

Jesse scowls at the other person in front of him, his blue-green eyes locked onto their dark ones behind the mask. They raise an eyebrow at him, mimicking the disbelieving, snark-filled look he uses so often.

"Don't trust me? Oh, whyever not?" Ere asks.

Their voice is dipped in sarcasm, and Jesse crosses his arms. "Do you really want me to list it out?" he snipes.

"Not necessary, Aries. Your trust doesn't matter at this point." Ere says crisply, clasping their hands behind their back.

Jesse doesn't even bother to correct the nickname. He's not sure why the new title is required, or who put Ere in charge of the loops. Hell, he doesn't even know who Ere is- not even the faintest guess.

But he's been gradually collecting info on the 'loops', as Ere called it, and how it works. This is only the third time he's died, and he knows that soon, he'll be right back into the mess of his adventure.

He knows that the 'loop' is somehow connected to this adventure. He knows that Ere isn't human; they're some kind of spirit or sorcerer or something. He knows that he's the only one this is happening to- at least in his world.

Beyond that...well, it remains to be seen.

"Aries, if I may ask..." Ere starts, leaning towards him slightly. Jesse glares again, repressing a shiver. They're just so unnerving. They look like him, but the way they talk and the motions they make aren't anything like his own, and it's enough to drive him up the wall.

Not that this place- this time taking the form of a night-still desert with pale blue sand -has walls.

"Why exactly do you distrust me so deeply? I have, after all, saved you from death three times now." Ere continued.

Jesse stays silent, assessing the person in front of him carefully. He forces his expression into a contemplative one to match their own, and leans similarly towards them. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Ere, but I have a feeling you're the reason I've died three times now." he says simply, doing his best to match their voice.

Ere lets out a sharp laugh that sends a sharp chill down Jesse's spine, straightening up. "Well! That's quite a heady assumption."

He falls into a glare again, but notes that his strange mirror did not, technically, deny it.

A shivery feeling darts through him, signaling that he's returning to life again. As he slowly fades out, he tips his head and snidely asks, "Does that answer your question?"

The corners of Ere's mouth turn up, though it's a little too sharp and insincere to be called a smile. "Not by half."

Everything is faded, but Jesse takes the time to say one thing more.




anyways yes hi Aries is a problem child and I love him

he's the 1st s1 male and BOI is he terrible later on c:

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