my mind it feels restless, amassed in this virus

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Jesse glances around, taking in the sights of Endercon again. There's gotta be something he's missing, something he hasn't puzzled out yet.

Why else would Ere send him back here again?

He doesn't like this whole thing- dying and suddenly appearing back in life. It's unsettling and unnatural, and he doesn't trust it.

But for the moment, all he can do is go along with it.

His alert dark eyes skim over the colourful booths, lit up by torches and Redstone lamps. He'd already made it to the Order's temple, so why on earth would Ere make him repeat this part? What should he have done differently? And if he'd done something wrong that could only be fixed here, why did Ere wait so long, instead of making him go back when he died in the Nether?

When the ghast's fireball had knocked Jesse out of the minecart and into the scorching lava below, he'd reappeared right back on the tracks after a few moments of talking with Ere. So why, why, was this time different?

Jesse shakes his head absent-mindedly, trying to focus. Maybe Ere had only now figured out there was something else that needed to be changed, something too urgent to ignore? But then why was an explanation not given.

Jesse mentally curses himself for falling into the loop of questions again. It doesn't matter. He just needs to keep going.

He wanders through the crowd, searching for differences, for anything out of place. It all looks the same as it did before, the same time, same place, same people...wait.

His sharp eyes narrow at a young man leaning against an unmanned booth, looking around at the festivities with a bored look. He's fairly tall, and wearing a leather jacket that seems to sink in to the shadows around him

But there's two people Jesse knows that fit that description, and this is the wrong one.

Jesse cautiously draws nearer, mind spinning. He's not supposed to run into Aiden at Endercon until later, when he appears out of seemingly nowhere to pester Jesse. It's Lukas that's supposed to be standing there, not his obnoxious prick-of-a boyfriend.

Deciding to ignore him, Jesse continues through the crowd, heading in the general direction of the building where the keynote will take place. Hopefully Lukas will be somewhere along the way, so Jesse can make sure things don't get too off-track from before. He doesn't actually know what might happen if he changes things from what happened the first time, and, for the moment, is a little too nervous to find out.

A hand suddenly grasps his shoulder, and he freezes in place.

Jesse slowly turns, looking up to meet Aiden's serious pale-green eyes.

"What do you want?" he snaps automatically.

To his surprise, Aiden hesitates, withdrawing his hand. "I just...I wanted to...apologize. For what happened at the building competition."

The words are stilted and somewhat unnatural, as if he isn't fully sure what he's saying. He straightens his shoulders and clears his throat before continuing in a more normal voice. "I mean, I still think we deserved that win more than you, but I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. Even your stupid pig. So...I'm sorry."

Jesse raises his eyebrows. This is getting more and more unexpected by the second. "Did someone put you up to this? What's going on? There's no way you decided to apologize to me of your own free will."

Aiden glances away, biting his lower lip. "I just...there's something happening, isn't there? Something that's're..." he trails off into uncertain mumbles, but he's said enough to make the hairs on the back of Jesse's neck stand up.

He knows about the Witherstorm. He knows. How does he know? No one else has so far shown any signs of catching on to the loops, so why would Aiden?

Jesse watches him cautiously as the other boy fidgets awkwardly with his jacket sleeve. This has to be why Ere sent him back. But what is he supposed to do? Should he deny that anything is up, so Aiden doesn't find out any more about the loops? But wouldn't that just make him more suspicious?

He lets out a long, huffing sigh, making up his mind in a split second. "You're right. There is something happening."

Aiden looks back at him again, his expression shifting into one of surprise. Jesse continues, throwing caution to the winds. "I'm trying to track down this shady guy who cheated Petra out of a deal, but it's bigger than that. Probably a lot bigger- we might all be in danger."

The pale green eyes narrow, and for a second, Jesse is worried that he's made a mistake.

Then Aiden steps closer, leaning in to murmur, "Let me help. I knew something was up- let me do something about it. I know we haven't gotten along in the past, but I don't want to get left out of this."

Jesse hesitates for just one second more. He knows that if he does this, he'll be changing a lot. Probably more than is safe.

But now that the idea has been placed in his mind...he wants to know what could happen.

He turns away, beckoning for Aiden to follow. "Alright. Come on, I have a feeling we might need your help."


Gemini,, my boi ur gonna regret that later

by the way i forgot to mention it but this Jesse is the 3rd s1 boy and yes it matters which is which


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