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"So..." Cupboard boy says, one side of his mouth quirked up in a smile.

I don't say anything. It's at times like this that I'm glad I don't blush. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I can't feel the heat on my face when a situation gets awkward, and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm normally the reason things get awkward quickly.

"Hello? I know you speak" the guy says bending down a little to look at me, because he's pretty damn tall, he must be at least six foot.

"I heard you speak a minute ago."

Oh dear, I think I just zoned out. Oops.

I clear my throat "Yes. I can confirm I do speak."

I cringe internally, God, I sound like an idiot.

The boy just grins.

"Well that's reassuring."

I smile uncertainly and he says,

"So what's your name, cupboard girl?"

I smirk with recognition at the name.

"I'm Tessa, what's your name, cupboard boy?"

Wow. I suddenly got cocky, and I sound almost... Well, flirty.

His eyes crinkle slightly under his glasses as he grins again.

"Oh so now you're getting an attitude, huh, cupboard girl? I'm Dylan."

"You started it." I say, gaining in confidence.

I like the fact he's subconsciously given me the same nickname I had for him in my head, minus the gender, obviously. Now that would have made for an awkward conversation.

He shrugs and leans back against the wall. Feeling uncomfortable under his stare and the silence between us I quickly search my mind for something to say.

"So, uh, how'd you know Chloe?" I ask, hating how awkward I sound.

"Oh," he says smiling "I'm her boyfriend."

I feel deflated. Of course someone like him has a girlfriend, of course he wasn't flirting with me or in fact remotely interested. Worst of all, he's Chloe's fricking boyfriend.

Quick. My brain screams at me, think of a response, moron, quickly!

"Oh, you're that Dylan!" I say, mock cheerily.

"Uh huh." He nods, a smile on his lips

"Well it's nice to meet you. Chloe never shuts up about you." I say, and I think he notices the tinge of exasperation in my voice because his smile widens.

He laughs "Well on that note, I best go wish her a happy birthday. See you around, cupboard girl."

I nod "Bye cupboard boy."

I feel ashamed of myself as I watch him leave, sort of mesmerised by his long almost graceful steps, and the black skinny jean situation certainly didn't help.

Mmm, boys in skinny jeans.


"There you are!"

Lucy beams, as she pushes her way through the crowded kitchen, her long naturally red hair swirling around her as she moves.

"Hi" I smile "everything okay?"

"More than okay. Everything is going perfectly, just as I planned!"

She grins smugly as she glances around the packed room of people dancing and chatting beneath yet more balloons and streamers.

"You did an amazing job, I agree" I smile.

She pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"Aww! You kiss-ass. But I love you for it."

"I know." I laugh in her ear.

She releases me and says "Chloe's been looking for you, y'know!'

"Where even is she?" I ask curiously "I haven't seen her yet tonight."

And so begins 'The great Chloe hunt' - Lucy's words not mine. We manoeuvre our way through practically every single room of her house in an attempt to find her.


"How about the garden?" I ask.

So we finally make it outside and...

"Yup. That's her alright." I say awkwardly because she's mid makeout session with cupboard boy.

I look away quickly, embarrassed.

"Let's just, uh, leave them to it Lucy." I say, turning back inside.

"Nonsense!" she says loudly "Chlooooooe!"

She breaks away from cupboard boy, and both their heads turn in our direction.

Oh no. Well this is going to be awkward...


Hello :) (to anyone who actually will read this)

I hope my writing's ok so far...

I write a lot, but I've never written anything on here before.

And that's assuming anyone has read this...


E x

I Never Liked Summer AnywayWhere stories live. Discover now