Paartay! Part 1

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A few days after seeing everyone at the park, I get a text from Sam. It says:

What up Tessa? So I was thinking we should, well have a party, which got me thinking... didn't you say your parents were going away for two weeks soon? ;)

I reply, feeling apprehensive.

Yeah, they are. I know what you're thinking Sam, and I'm not so sure...

He replies instantly:

I promise I won't let things get too put of hand, and I'll help clear up the mess afterwards?

Well, I did say I wanted a party...

Fine. We'll have it on the 23rd. You can invite the people though.

Sweet! You're the best Tessa!xxx

Ok don't get too carried away love. I'm only the best when I give you things you want. :P x

You know it ;) xx

I smile to myself. Good. It's going to be better than going stir crazy by myself all alone in this massive house.


My mum gives me a watery smile as she pulls me into a bone crushing hug

"Oh darling. You're sure you'll be ok all by yourself?"

I smile and pat her back comfortingly "I'll be fine mum, Lucy will be staying for most of that time too, so I won't be alone anyway."

She presses her lips together and gives me a tiny nod.

"Quick Stephen, get her to the airport immediately before she ruins all of your hard work." I say as he hugs me.

"Will do." He says chuckling as he places a hand on my mums back and guides her into his slick black car. As they drive off they wave and smile. I wave back, unable to help feeling a bit guilty that I'd be using their house as practically a giant, alcoholic mosh pit tomorrow evening.


"Stay. Still." Lucy demands through gritted teeth as she tries to finish applying my lipstick. Her eyebrows lift from their scowl of concentration as she places the lipstick down and smiles at me triumphantly.

"Go look in a mirror." She demands, smiling slightly as I make my way over to my full length bedroom mirror. I stare back at myself blankly for a minute. My hair is normal, falling to the bottom of my ribcage in brown waves, but neater than usual. My face on the other hand, look a lot better than normal.

Lucy's carefully given me a flick of eyeliner on each eyelid, something which I normally do, but she does much better. She's highlighted my face perfectly, accentuating my cheekbones and jawline, and finished it all off with a shock of red lipstick across my lips. My clothes flatter me too. Black high waisted skinny jeans and Dr Martens aren't unusual for me, but the loose floral crop top is. Surprisingly I like it, all of it. I tell Lucy this and she beams.

"You look hot, Tessa. The guys will be all over you tonight."

I snort derisively "you have to say that, you're my best friend,"

"You just wait and see" she says, grinning.


I open the front door to find Sam standing there, with a group of guys I vaguely remember from college.

Sam glances at me in surprise and some of the other guys actually look me up and down.

"You scrub up well!" he says as I step aside to let everyone in. "Freaking hell Tessa, just how massive is your house?'

I laugh "Yeah, it's pretty damn big."

He winks at me "That's what she said"

I roll my eyes and show them all where they can put their alcohol.

The doorbell keeps ringing.

It's a good sign I know most of these people, even if it's just vaguely.

"Hello!" I feel someone hug me from the side. I look down and see Chloe grinning at me.

"Hey" I say as she moves on to say hi to Lucy.

I look to the doorway just as Dylan wanders in "Hi" I say, giving him a small wave.

He notices me and rubs his neck carelessly with a hand, smiling "Hi, cupboard girl."

I snort "I do have a normal name you know."

He smirks "Oh right. Let me guess.... it's Tessa-I-suck-at-everything-especially-badminton?"

"Pretty much. I suck at quite a lot of stuff."

"Innuendo alert." Dylan says, raising an eyebrow and grinning at the withering look I give him.

I break out into laughter, unable to keep up the act. I wiggle my eyebrows at him and elbow him playfully. He knocks the side of his body into mine playfully, causing me to stumble over my own foot a little.

"Dylan" Chloe calls absently, causing him to look up. She gestures he follow her and I cough "whipped" as he begins to trail after her, almost reluctantly.

"Shut it, cupboard girl." He says grinning before leaving the room.

"Where you just flirting with Dylan, Tessa?" Lucy asks, eyebrows raised.

"No!" I say, almost too defensively.

Oh no.

Was I?

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