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The party's in full swing now. It must be because I've seen at least two drunken couples heavily making out, and another girl being sick in my kitchen sink. Charming.

Dylan and I sat discussing, surprise, surprise, Lord of the Rings for at least twenty minutes until Lucy skips over happily with Chloe at her side. I beam at them "What's up guys?"

"We're going to play never have I ever in your bedroom!" Lucy says, practically pulling Dylan and I off of our chairs. As Lucy drags Dylan upstairs to my room, I can't help but notice that Chloe looks a little upset.

"Chloe, are you alright? You look, well, really upset."

She bites her lip "I'm fine Tessa, everything's good."

She stops before my bedroom door and sighs "I guess I'm just feeling really insecure." she says, picking at her silver glittery nails. "Dylan is nice, too good for me really, and so many girls find him attractive... I guess I just let it all get to me tonight."
I nod, waiting for her to go on.

"I guess I just don't trust other girls." she shrugs, before opening my bedroom door and disappearing.


As we wait for the rest of the people Lucy insists on gathering to play, I sit, thinking about what Chloe had said to me earlier and how she'd looked. I couldn't help but feel bad, because of the fact I may slightly like Dylan in that way.

Did she really think I'd do that to her? Would I really do that to her?

No. I wouldn't, I mean Dylan's cute and easy to get on with, but I know what it's like when one of your supposed 'friends' steals your boyfriend, and it's the suckiest feeling in the world. I may be a tiny bit jealous of them, but I think I'm more jealous of the fact that they're in a relationship, as opposed to really wanting to steal Dylan.

Right? I ask myself.

"Earth to Tessa" I feel Sam wave his hand in front of my face.

I look up at him.

"Lucy just asked the first question."

I glance up. "Sorry, can you repeat that?"

She looks sort of awkward "I said, never have I ever kissed someone."

"Oh" I say. I'd done that before.

I reach into the middle and drink from the pint glass. I take a gulp, then wince. Whatever it is in there is very strong.

"Ok, my turn." Chloe says. She thinks for a long moment "What haven't we done?" She murmurs to Dylan. Lucy and I (the ones closest to them) start giggling at this, causing Dylan to flush a little.

"Ok! Never have I ever had more than two boyfriends or girlfriends!"

Sam, Sophie, Georgia, a guy I think is called Max and Jake from earlier drink.

Now it's my turn. Bummer.

"Uh, never have I ever, umm touched someone inappropriately in public."

"Define inappropriate." Sam says, his chocolatey brown eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Oh Jesus, just drink already" I laugh as he and a surprising amount of other people drink from the glass.

"Never have I ever had sex with someone." Georgia says.

I smirk as Dylan, Chloe, Sophie, Jake and Sam all drink. I turn to Sam "You really shouldn't have played this game, you know, you just end up drinking every time."

I Never Liked Summer AnywayWhere stories live. Discover now