Paartay! Part 2

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There are a lot of people in my house right now. I really want to relax and just enjoy the party, but I'm terrified someone's going to somehow destroy something very expensive, which unfortunately, most things in my house are. Luckily I locked the most valuable things away in a cupboard, but that doesn't stop me from feeling a bit on edge.

"Hey." a guy I've never met before says, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you ok there?"

I nod and smile at him "Yeah. Sorry, just daydreaming."

He smiles in return "Good good. Isn't this house just crazy? It has two living rooms!"

He's quite good looking, mousy brown hair styled carefully, strong shoulders and dark eyes, with a cheeky smile.

I laugh "Yeah, the kitchen's about four times the size of a normal kitchen, too."

His eyes widen "I have to check that out in a minute. The girl who's party this is must be absolutely loaded."

I nod "Yeah, I guess."

"Anyway, I'm being rude. What's your name?"

"Tessa, what's yours?"

"I'm Jake" he says extending a hand.

I shake it hesitantly.

At that moment I feel a hand on my shoulder and glance over to the owner of that hand.

"Hey guys" Sam greets us both, then turns to me, looking guilty. "Tessa, one of my friends accidentally broke some plates, it's a long story... I've cleared it up and I'm sorry, I'll give you the money for them tomorrow..."

I laugh and shake my head "Don't bother, we've got so many Sam, so I doubt my parents would even notice. As long as its been cleaned up I don't mind at all."

He smiles and ruffles my hair with a smile "If you're sure. Ok well, talk to you in a minute." he says, glancing at Jake suspiciously before wandering off into the next room.

I turn back to Jake, who looks surprised, eyebrows raised. "So this is your house? Wow."

I shrug a little "My stepdads house really, he's a surgeon so that's why."

He looks impressed "Not bad."

I smile politely, not sure what to say next.

"You look very pretty tonight" Jake says confidently, flicking the sleeve of my top.

"Oh." I say, surprised "Um, thank you."

"No problem Tessa" he smiles.

I stand there, feeling a little awkward, kinda wishing the ground would swallow me up.

"Photo time!" a girl, Georgia I think her name is, says as she points a camera in our faces.

Jake moves to stand next to me, placing an arm around my waist as Georgia snaps a couple of photos "Cute! Great party, Tessa." She says as she wanders off to take more photos of her unwitting victims.

I look around the room, trying to subtly find my friends or anyone else I vaguely know to escape Jake, who's arm is still on my waist.

"You ok there?" Jake grins and I nod, shifting my body away from him a little. He isn't having any of it though, and pulls me closer into him.

"Cupboard girl." I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. My shoulders loosen in relief as I turn to see Dylan eying Jake up, his eyes moving to the arm he still has around me.

"Dylan" I say, widening my eyes at him, as if to say help me, please.

One corner of his mouth twitches in amusement at my expression. "Lucy's looking for you" he says, looking at me curiously "she said it's important."

I step away from Jake "Oh, right! Well I better go find her. See you around, Jake."

"Oh, ok..." he says, looking a bit disappointed. "Maybe you can show me the kitchen later" he winks. I smile awkwardly, it's hard to stop myself from rolling my eyes and vomiting on the floor.

"Yeah... Maybe." I say as I begin to squeeze my way out of the crowd, Dylan following me. Once we're out of the living room, Dylan bursts out laughing "maybe you can show me the kitchen later" he mocks, causing himself to laugh even more.

"Funny." I say, rolling my eyes "but thanks for saving me from him, he seemed ok until he got in my personal space."

Dylan grins "It's ok, but now you owe me Tessa, remember that."

I roll my eyes again, trying to act disinterested but I still can't deny how attracted I am to him.

"Sure. Although I am hosting this amazing party, so I'm not sure I owe you anything." I say "But whatever Dylan."

He smiles and shrugs with a cheeky expression as he runs a hand through his wavy hair.

"Where's Chloe?" I ask him "I thought she'd be wherever you are."

"I'm not really sure" he says, glancing around, face falling considerably "But one of her friends started 'flirting' with me, according to Chloe, so Chloe went a bit nuts at her... So I decided to uh, disappear for a bit."

I bite my lip to hide my smile "How convenient."

He nods "I feel bad, but to be honest Chloe was being more than a little bit scary at that point..."

"Yeah, demonic Chloe is truly terrifying." I agree as I gesture he follow me.

He bites his lip, trying to hold back another laugh "Demon Chloe? Should I be scared?"

"Oh... Oops." I say as we enter the kitchen, where it's a lot less busy.

"Yeah... we all call her that when she gets in a rage, which I'm guessing you haven't witnessed before..." I say as I take a seat at the breakfast bar. He does likewise. I can tell by his expression that this is news to him.

"So, what normally makes her go on this supposed demon rampage. I feel I need to know so I can avoid doing any of those things."

"Uh, mainly it's a green eyed monster thing, if she thinks someone wants something that's hers..."

"Oh." he says "So I can't really do much to stop that, can I?"

I shake my head "Unfortunately, no. Unless you never talk to a girl again."

He grins "Ok I'll start with you." he turns away from me slightly and I punch him lightly. His arm is surprisingly firm. I have the urge to poke it, but resist because I'd hate to come across as flirty, as I supposedly did earlier. It makes me feel really awkward.

He turns back and elbows me playfully "Just kidding. You're alright Tessa, I don't mind talking to you."

You're alright.

I can deal with that.

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