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"Hellooo!" Lucy beams at me through my car window as I wind down the window, miming the words to Mardy Bum by The Arctic Monkeys. She grins in approval as she climbs in and begins nodding along.

After our impromptu karaoke session Lucy sighs and strokes the dashboard of my car. "Why is your car so perfected?" she murmurs.

I laugh and agree with her. My little sky blue Fiat 500 was adorable. It was my dream car that my mum and Stephen had surprised me with a couple of months ago for my birthday.

"Yeah, Bertie's the best." I nod.

Yeah I named my car. I couldn't help it, it just looked so much like a Bertie.

I pull down into the small car park belonging to Helpsham County Park.

"Do you think it's going to rain today?" Lucy asks, glancing suspiciously up at the sky as she climbs out of the car. I join her and have to admit one cloud does look ominously dark.

"I really hope not." I sigh "But this is England, so probably yeah."

We make our way through the cute little county trail, until it opens up onto a wide expanse of green. It's not too busy so it's easy to spot Chloe, Dylan, Chloe's best friend Sophie and...

"Sam?!" I shout at the dark blond haired boy sprawled across the grass. Lucy grins at me as the boys head snaps up and his gaze meets mine.

"Tessa!" he shouts, jumping to his feet, running towards me. He bounds into me, almost knocking me off my feet. his arms wrap around my waist and he lifts me up and swings me around for a moment.

I laugh as he puts me down and hugs Lucy tightly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him in amazement. Sam is Chloe's cousin and such a good friend of mine that he's like the brother I never had. Recently he moved to Scotland with his family and although we still text and message each other a lot, I hadn't seen him for about four months, hence the dramatic reunion.

"I'm going to be stating at Chloe's for a couple if months, because I missed you guys... Plus I want to see if I can get any work experience with a local record label."

Lucy laughs "Oh right, so you didn't really miss us at all then, I see how it is."

Sam snorts "True, I don't even like you guys, just needed a place to stay."

I decide to leave them to catch up and make my way over to the others.

"Sup?" I say looking around

"Not a lot" Sophie says, standing up to hug me.

Chloe smiles up at me and Dylan smirks.

"Cupboard girl." he nods in acknowledgement.

I feel myself melt a little bit as I take in his tousled hair, navy skinny jeans and his t-shirt, which is so cool I can't help comment on.

"Best film ever." I say gesturing to the Jurassic Park logo on his chest.

He grins enthusiastically "Yes! That and Lord of The Rings!"

"Such a nerd" Chloe says "Who in their right mind wants to watch Lord of The Rings?"

"Me" Dylan and I say in unison.

He looks at me curiously "Seriously?"

Chloe mutters something like 'nerds' to Sophie and they start to giggle.

"Uh-huh." I nod at Dylan.

He smiles "Didn't peg you as a Lord of The Rings kinda girl."

I shrug and smile, bringing my knees up to my chest.

Lucy skips over, beaming from ear to ear before plonking herself on the grass between Chloe and Sophie.

"Isn't this great?" she beams at Sam who sits down next to me.

The other girls begin chatting away and Dylan turns to Sam

"Mate, I can't believe you didn't tell me that Tessa likes Lord of The Rings! That's crucial information."

They'd talked about me? Kind of weird, but I brush it off. Maybe they were just talking about everyone in the group.

Sam grins at me, brown eyes twinkling mischievously as always. "Yeah she's pretty cool like that, aren't you Tessa?"

"You know it." I smirk "You guys know each other?"

Sam snorts "Yeah. I was the one that practically set Dylan and Chloe up."

Oh yeah. I sigh internally. Why do all the best boys have to be taken? Sucks to be me.

"Aww" I say smiling and wrapping my arms around my legs, letting my chin rest on my knees and my long brown waves cascade around my face.

"Yeah, we were both in a band together for a while." Dylan confirms

"And Chloe took a sudden interest in our music one day, which I thought was weird, until I noticed her eying up Dylan." Sam chuckles, leaning across to slap Dylan's back. "Then things started making much more sense."

"Aww" I say again, then pretend to gag. Sam snorts and Dylan laughs, throwing his head back a little, revealing perfect teeth. Damn you. Is all I can think as I watch him.

"You'll have to excuse Tessa's sarcasm, Dylan. I'd like to say that it's uncommon, but that would be a lie."

I smile innocently "Me? I would never."

He rolls his eyes "Case in point."

Dylan smiles and is about to say something when Chloe turns to him and wraps her arms around him.

"What you guys talking about?" she asks curiously.

"Tessa's sarcasm." Sam explains.

"Oh... I don't really understand you when you're like that, Tessa, no offence or anything." She frowns up at me from beneath Dylan's arm.

Sam smirks and I just smile at how confused she looks. She's cute, if you're into that kind of girl, which Dylan obviously is. Still, I refuse to act like that, even if it is the way to get the Dylan's of this world. "None taken Chloe." I smile at her.

Dylan looks at Chloe "You really don't get it?"

She nods and he raises his eyebrows and shrugs a little.

I Never Liked Summer AnywayWhere stories live. Discover now