Why do feelings exist?

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It's the morning after the party. I'm tired, I'm grumpy, but more than anything, I'm confused.

At three in the morning I kicked everyone out except Chloe, Lucy. Dylan, Sam and Georgia, who is actually really nice and fits in well with our group.

The house isn't too much of a state, all I have to do is rinse some vomit down the sink, dispose of all the glasses and cans covering the house and vacuum.

Oh crap.

Vacuuming in a normal house wouldn't bother me, but because this house is so freaking massive, it's my worst nightmare.

I stumble over to the cupboard and heave the vacuum cleaner out with a huff.

"Need any help?" I turn around to see Sam leaning against the wall where he'd obviously been watching me struggle. We'd barely spoken since Chloe's dare last night, so when I look at him all I can think of is his hot lips presses against mine. I grow warm with embarrassment, incredibly thankful that I don't blush.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I nod "Do you think you could vacuum the living room?"

He nods and takes the vacuum cleaner, carrying it off into the living room.

I get to work filling the recycling bins full of empty bottles and cans. When I'm finally done I find Sam lifting the vacuum cleaner back into the cupboard, his back muscles visible through his top. I mentally slap myself for staring as he shuts the door and notices me.

"You vacuumed everywhere?" I ask in surprise.

"Yup." he nods.

"Wow... that was quick..."

He smiles "That's because I'm not as puny as you, Tess."

I smile, thank God he's broken the weird tension between us.

"I'm not puny." I say attempting to flex my arm and failing miserably.

"You are, you can't deny it. You're tiny Tessa."

"I'm 5'7 !" I say indignantly.

"That doesn't mean you can't be tiny. Look at your waist if you need proof."

I roll my eyes and mutter 'idiot' under my breath.

At this point the others make their way downstairs "Thanks for helping me tidy guys." I say sarcastically, laughing as they wince. Looks like some people had too much to drink last night.

"What's the time?" Lucy asks, confused.

"One in the afternoon." Sam replies glancing down at his phone.

"And the house is all clean so you guys escaped punishment, congrats." I huff.


Fairly soon after, they all go home, and I can collapse onto my bed. Last night was a long night.

I try not to think about Sam and how my stomach now knots together when I think about him. But then I start thinking about Lucy kissing him, and how she and Chloe must have planned the whole thing, and the knot in my stomach tightens to the point I feel slightly sick.

I used to think of him as a brother.

And although I'm confused, one thing's for sure, I definitely know I won't be calling him that again in hurry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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