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Chloe's arms untangle themselves from cupboard boy - Dylan, even - and she grins, bounding over and wrapping me in a hug.

"Tessa! I've been looking for you!" she says as I try to avoid eye contact with Dylan over her shoulder, being the awkward person that I am.

"Happy birthday Clo" I say.

"Thanks" she grins and turns back to look at Dylan "Guys, there's someone I'd like you to meet!"

She waves Dylan over, as he approaches, Lucy pulls a 'not bad' face at Chloe and she giggles.

"Dylan, these are my friends Lucy and Tessa," she says as she loops her arm through his.

"And girls, this is my boyfriend Dylan!" she squeals.

Lucy squeals with her and I wince, but attempt to smile.

"How is it humanly possible to make that noise?" I mutter to myself and hear a snort. Dylan's smiling at me so I'm guessing he heard that.

"It's so good to meet you!" Lucy says, beaming from Chloe to Dylan.

"And you." Dylan says politely. He looks up at me again and says "Hi again cupboard girl."

I smile and give him a little wave.

"What?" Chloe asks, turning between us in confusion. "You guys know each other?"

Dylan looks at her earnestly and says "Oh, yeah. We go way back, don't we Tessa?"

Both Lucy and Chloe look so incredibly confused by this point that I snort and say "Totally."

Chloe looks almost upset so I nudge her gently, almost taking her eye out because she's that much shorter than me.

"We're just messing with you Clo! I was trying to hide earlier ready to surprise you but I panicked and froze, and Dylan here" I gesture towards him "helped me by shoving me in a cupboard" I miss out the fact he shoved himself in the confined space too.

"Oh" she says, giggling and swatting at Dylan "Dylan! You can't just go around shoving my friends into cupboards!"

He grins at her "Damn, I was going to try and set a record."

She looks confused "What? I don't understand..."

I bite my lip. Chloe's my friend and all, but she can sometimes be a bit, well slow... I feel bad for finding it funny, but what's making it worse is Dylan's expression. He blinks a few times in surprise.

"I, uh, never mind."

He looks across to us and sees my expression. I try to look neutral but the confused look on his face tells me I'm not doing a good enough job.


A few hours later and Lucy and I are sitting on the stairs in an attempt to avoid the majority of the party. I'm surprisingly tired considering the amount of sleep I've had over the last few days.

"So." Lucy says, resting her head against the wooden bannister "What's your opinion on Chloe's new boyfriend?"

I think for a moment, before saying cautiously "He seems nice."

She nods "Funny too."

I raise my eyebrows and smile, not wanting to say much more.

"You guys seemed to get on well..." she continues and I sigh a little.

"Yup. Well, like I said he seems like a nice guy."

"Not to mention cute." she says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah, in a hipster sort of way." I say, humouring her.

"What? Because of the glasses? Hmm I agree but goddamn it Tessa, I hope he has some hot friends he can introduce us to."

I Never Liked Summer AnywayWhere stories live. Discover now