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It was summer, it was love or maybe it wasn't, it's not real, distortion it is.

Here is what she's longing to do every first week of summer; to step out of the veranda, still in her pair of pajamas, seeing how trees seem to be alive and how people seem to be happy chit-chatting, she then smiled.

The sky is seamless and the sun is already shining that it's burning her eyes.

At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest. That's why kids love it but for a few unfortunate kids, summer was never fun for the reason that they have classes to attend, no one ever volunteered to go to these classes, well parents do.

Fortunately for her, she's not one of them and this explains why this season is her favorite time of the year. Who wouldn't? Warm weather to enjoy such a perfect atmosphere to do outdoor activities, school vacation which school is closed for two months, endless fun where you're free to do whatever you want.

She then remembered her childhood friend, Amy.

Every morning she tends to watch Amy from their veranda and now she made a point of watching Amy and her new oh-so-called friends get into the car. Amy in her voluminous skirt at the waist and paired with a classic, well-fitted cotton tank top, her sling bag filled with things she doesn't know seems to be happiest even without her. Amy was one of the closest friends she has back then, but then Amy all changed.

She waited until they pulled away, turned the corner as she decided to slip back in the bed. She pulled the blanket to her shoulder and pretended to count sheep until she drifted back to sleep.

For the fresh look, she wore a classic striped button-down blouse, high-waisted jeans, and black pumps. The rays of sun touching her skin as the wind screeched through her way.

Every summer she's making a list for her summer goals and now she's going to shop until her money drops, she goes to bazaar and spends hours on choosing which and what she's going to buy. This is her way to reward herself after working hard in school. To her surprise, a scene where Amy's churlish attitude blasted as they were attacking other people around them, she's not interested so she didn't watch it.

"Such a waste of time" thoughts in her mind.

Every other day, another goals to make, she became part of the orphans, she's done donating some food and clothes, she became a traveler, a cook, a blood donor, she's done with the long drive road trips, writing contests, star-gazing, and such to be done alone, yes, all alone.

But there's only one in her mind right now, the marathon that will outlast daylight.

People gathered on sidewalks, the streets filled with people watching the marathon where she belongs- she's trying to regain her breath, she's now composing herself, one last goal, marathon.

The one who's managing the game blowed the whistle and they started running fast as they can, she took a last look on her components, they are all here for the prize, a trophy of honor, something to be displayed on a mantle for guests to admire while she's just here to finish her summer goals.

She won. Wow, just wow.

"Zaie! Wait!" someone yelled, she whirled around, motioned her hand "Oh! Hi Ace!"

"I heard you won the competition?!" he smiled genuinely while she nodded awkwardly.

"Is that really a big deal? Everyone's asking me the same question" and she just really hates it.

"I guess? Uhm, I think I need to go now, see you!" He ran towards his friends. She caught a glimpse of him disappearing around another corner.

As for her rest, she found herself sitting cross-legged at the park, eating from a fistful of dried mangoes.

"He's too good to be true" she whispered as if she's talking to herself, she's referring to a fictional character where she just read a while ago.

"But, but I think I just saw him and kinda talked to him?" and now she's referring to him; Ace.

She got some shots of other mangoes and stood up, she's now imagining things.

"Oh my gosh!" she shouted, seeing Ace suddenly in front of her.

"I'm sorry! It's just that I want to ask if we can go out tomorrow?" Ace asked

"Sure, what time?" She wouldn't miss this moment, he's her long time crush and she doesn't want to reject his invite.

She went home, deciding which dress best suits her for tomorrow's date.

When she's done preparing herself, she walked and waited at the same park where she rested yesterday.

But to no avail, no one came. Ace didn't come. She didn't have his number nor anything to contact him. She just waited and waited, telling herself that Ace has his own reasons to say.

The day ended.

As another day started, she expected to see him but not even his shadows came towards her.

Another day, same as yesterday.

Another day, nothing's changed.

Another day, she's now thinking that he really ghosted her.

Another day, she feels like she's been played by someone.

Another day, she cried, feeling blue.

Another day, she's not herself anymore.

Another day, the summer ends.

Struggles, it became part of her daily life since she was born but susceptible to false memories than others? Definitely not.

She's not crazy, it's her first time to encounter it. Ace isn't real, he's not existing in anyone's world, only hers.

She thought he's just having a vacation at her place back then and went home. That's why she couldn't find him anywhere that summer. She even thought that he's dead, maybe it's better than the real reason why she couldn't find him; it's a better excuse than to know that Ace is just a fictitious character in her mind.

So the year ends up finding some missing pieces of her identity, she feels like she's a puzzle and some of her pieces were out of reach already. She's torn between knowing the truth to fill her whole or just ignore it even if she'll feel lost.

Next summer, her only goal is to write a book about what happened last summer, only then she'll know what's real and what's not.

Next summer, she'll have the truth, "Memory Distortion of Summer".

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