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The ship is sinking and we don't need to be part of it.

What's the point of staying? what's the point of holding on when there's everyone letting go?  

We leave our ship as we accept the fact that our friendship is nowhere to go. It feels like we're going to be a sinking ship, I don't want to accept it.

Why don't we throw the stuff that's been weighing us down? Why do we need to be rescued by others when we can do it on our own? We don't watch the little things that make us fall but for all I know, those are just little leaks that are trying to sink our ship. Why do we just dropped the friendship that we had, why do we let it submerge without being fought?

We don't need to be saved, we need to find each other. We need to fight for it, we'll get over it soon.

And maybe, all this time it was all just a lie. Our ship isn't sinking. Maybe we just need time to learn how to sail and how to calm the sea. 

Let's fight, let's be tough. The ship is sinking and we don't need to be part of it. Our friendship had it's ups and down but we survived it and we still do. Let us trust ourselves, our circle of friendship has no end.

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