Chapter 7

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"It's the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you make me feel inside, it's in your smile, it's in your eyes." - Daydreaming, Ariana Grande


The dream I had last night about Justin hadn't left my mind yet. After I woke up, which was at about 2 in the morning, I couldn't fall back asleep. I was afraid that my next delusion would be about Justin and I raising our kids together. It is now 9 in the morning, and I'm extremely sleep deprived. Everyone else left the house to go visit someone, but I, unfortunately, woke up with the flu so I'm not in the mood.

My bare feet touched the cold floor, sending shivers up my body. I headed downstairs and looked out the window to see some envelopes and other papers sticking out of our mailbox. Should I go get it? It is really nice out today.

The blue celestial sphere showed no signs of any clouds. The sun flared slightly, shining light rays of sun. I could really go for some fresh zephyr right now, might help relieve all the congestion in my nose and sinuses. I opened the door to be greeted by a warm, but slightly chilly, breeze. The wind blew calmly, pushing my hair back. I took a sniff of the atmosphere, but all that came out was the sound if mucus traveling upwards. I sighed, and walked barefoot to the mailbox.

I opened up the mailbox, only to be startled by everything falling out of the box, and onto my feet. Some pain was lingering onto my right foot. Probably paper cut. I groaned and knelt down to pick up the mail. "Need help there, sweetheart?" A familiar, deep, raucous voice said. I looked behind me to be met up with his ochroid, soft eyes. He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back at him. What's wrong with you, Ariana!?

I was about to say something to him when I felt a sneeze coming out. Justin laughed at my face while I flicked him off. The sneeze finally came out, along with a cough full of mucus. He had a disgusted look on his face, that then transformed into a look of worry. "Hey, are you alright?" He probed, putting his finger under my chin to examine my face.

"Woke up with the flu." I responded, continuing to pick up the mail with Justin's help. "Yeah, you sound really stuffy." He teased, poking my cheek. I slapped his hand away, standing up with a mass of mail in my hands. Justin picked up a handful, shocked at how much mail we have. "Damn, people must love you guys." He smiled. I was too tired and sick to smile back at him, so I nodded my head.

I walked back to my house while Justin followed me. Thankfully, my door was still open. I lazily threw the mail on the floor, as well as Justin. He tried peeking in, but I pushed him back outside. "Hey, that wasn't nice. I just want to see your house." He whined. "You've seen my room, that's all you'll be able to see." I poked my tongue out at him, and I was about to walk back inside the house when he pulled me back by my elbow.

"What?" I hissed, rolling my eyes. Whenever I'm sick, I'm usually moody. I'll go from happy, to upset, to cheery, to depressed, to infuriated. "Let me take care of you, you're sick." He offered. I thought about it for a while. I mean, nobody's home. We have the house to ourselves, but I don't know when my mom will be back. "Justin, I don-"

I was interrupted by the house phone going on. The loud ringing hurt my ears since I was right next to it. I groaned, and checked the caller ID. Joan Grande. That's my mom. I answered the phone, putting it to my ear.


"Ariana, are you alright?" My mom asked full of worry. Whenever one of us is sick, it's like she transforms into doctor and does all this unnecessary treatment that we don't need.

"I'm fine, I feel like crap." I replied, itching my throat. Justin took a hold of my wrist, giving me a Don't do that look. I rolled my eyes and ripped away from his constraint.

"Listen, the car broke down while we were heading to Salem. We all checked into a motel and probably won't be home for a few days or up until we can find a way home. There's a lot of food in the fridge for you, and I'm guessing you have enough money from babysitting to buy anything you need. Stay safe, I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up, placing the phone back on the dock. "Was that your mom?" I nodded while he walked into my house without permission. I'm too tired to yell at him or argue with him, so I just let him in. I closed the door, and plopped down onto the couch. Justin was walking around the house with his hands in his pockets, inspecting my living room. He seemed smitten by all of the antiques and family pictures on the shelves.

"You have a big fam-" He was interrupted by my sneezing and hacking. "Alright, lay down on the couch. I'm going to go make you some soup."

"Justin," I sighed. "You don't have to."

He went into the closet, and grabbed a pillow and a blanket. "How in the hell did you know we keep pillows and blankets in there?" I questioned, speculating whether he sneaks into my house at night and examines everything. "I didn't, but now I do." He smirked at me, laying my head down on the pillow and covering my body with the blanket. He placed a hand on my knee, shook it while flashing a smile at me, and went off to the kitchen.


I absolutely hate this plan that Ryan is making me do. It's bad enough that I have to go along with it because we're both in huge trouble, but now I'm getting these strange sensations in my stomach whenever I'm around Ariana. Seeing her sick today made my mood plummet, and I don't know why. She's 17, she can take care of herself, so why am I making soup for her and taking care of her? I don't know.

I don't even know where the fuck her mom keeps the soup and other shit that you need to make soup. Running a hand through my messy hair, I looked around the kitchen and opened all of the cabinets. After about 5 minutes, finally, I found the pot and some beef soup, and prepared it. By the time it was done, I spilled the soup in the bowl, grabbed a spoon, and traveled back into the living room only to find Ariana in a fetal position with her head under the blankets and continuing to cough.

"I have something for you." I cooed in her ear, setting the soup down in the coffee table. She groaned, kicking the blankets off of her. She sat up, and glared at me.

Her once brown eyes were losing it's color, surrounded by red irritation on her sclera. Her brown hair was all over the place, she looked like a troll. An adorable and beautiful though. She used to have a red tint in her cheeks that I adored, but they were completely gone. The surface of her skin lost all color and was replaced by a pale, pasty color. Her once alive, pudgy rosy lips were chapped, pale, and in a straight line. She still looked amazing.

"What?" She growled, running her eye. I grabbed her wrist, rendering her hand away from her eye so it wouldn't get worse. "Stop it, Justin. I can take care of myself." She let out a sneeze, snapping her head forward with so much force that I thought she broke her neck. "Ow." She whined, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Still think you can take care of yourself?" I teased. She scowled at me, sighing and falling back on the couch. I win.

I reached over the coffee table, grabbed the bowl of soup, and handed it to her. Her mood went from grouchy and irritable to relieved and happy when she took a sip of the soup. "I can finally breathe." She breathed in and out, obviously enjoying her sense of smell coming back to her. Her silliness amuses me.

I just wish Ryan didn't make me go along with this. Not only did we, well I, have to do this so we won't get in big time trouble, but there's a risk that comes with it.


The risk is that she might eventually know about everything. She will hate me forever, and that's the last thing I need right now honestly. Her life is at peril, and Ryan and I need to be super cautious. I can't stand the thought of them taking Ariana and hurting her. It's bad enough I had to cooperate and go along with it, but who really knows what the hell will happen soon?

For all we know, I could find Ariana's dead body in a ditch.

My New Neighbor - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now