Chapter 21

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This whole chapter is dedicated to Ariana's past because there's so much to it. In chapter 23, she will already have told everyone about it and then go on from there.

At the age of three, Ariana and her family went to the park one day. Kayla and Ariana went to the swings to push each other. They decided that Ariana would go first to be pushed while Kayla pushed her. She sat on the swing and Kayla began pushing. She was having a lot of fun being a kid and laughing her ass off.

After a while, Ariana began to feel dizzy from swinging so high, so she decided that she would push off. Right when Kayla pushed her high enough, Ariana jumped off. However, she didn't feel the floor under her feet. Instead, right in mid-air, someone caught her and ran away with her. Kicking and screaming for her parents, he duct taped her mouth shut and took her into an alley. He didn't do anything, but it was very cold and gross in there, so if she was there for an extended period of time, she would get very sick. He laid her down onto a wall, and the next thing she remembered was waking up at the hospital with a very sharp, aching headache. She was told that she had a concussion from the blow from a bat and that the kidnapper was captured and put in prison for life. Was it a relief? For her family, yes. For Ariana, no. It traumatized her poor little three-year-old mind.

That's just the beginning of it...

At the age of four, the same thing happened again. Only this time, she was gone for that whole day. The man who kidnapped her kept her in a dark room and wanted to starve her to death. She was severely dehydrated and tied down to a chair. All she could do was cry and hope that her family would come and find her again. The next day, the police found her and brought her in for questioning. Soon, it became a case and she won the case. The man was put away for 20 years. Any relief? Hell no. She wasn't even five yet and was already suffering from PTSD.

2 years later, when she was 6, she got jumped at school by high schoolers. She didn't know why they did that, or what she did to deserve it. To this day, she still doesn't know why. When she was walking out of school to get on her bus, a really tall dude took her behind the school. There were five other guys waiting for him. The guy carrying her threw her to the ground and they nearly killed her. They hit, punched, kicked, beat, and abused the hell out of Ariana.

One of the teachers saw what was going on and called the police. They were sent to jail, but Ariana was knocked out on the ground. The teacher took her to the hospital and she nearly died. She was in a coma for about 3 months. After that happened, she was home schooled. Being home schooled would fix everything, right? That's what her parents thought. She would be protected from the outside world and be home safe and sound with her family. Yes, that's true. That still doesn't change the fact that Ariana was mentally unstable, and she could never forget all of the shit she was already put through.

Along with the home schooling, her parents hired a therapist to help her with her PTSD. It was like that for 4 more years. Home schooling and seeing her therapist. She was starting to get a lot better, and everyone noticed. Both the therapist and the home school teacher felt that Ariana was definitely ready and prepared to go back to school. She was now in 6th grade, and could handle it. As for her parents, they were very skeptical.

After a while, they gave in and let her go back to school. Was everything going to get better? It actually got even worse. Everyone knew about what happened to Ariana in second grade. She got bullied and teased for it. Mostly by guys because they thought that she was defenseless. As for the girls, they sympathized. She wanted none of that.

One day, she was walking down the hallways to her next class. Two guys pushed her around, and her buttons. They kept punching and hitting her repeatedly. She doesn't know what came over her, but she got extremely furious and blacked out. The next thing she remembers is going home and being suspended from school for 3 days. Her parents were also furious with her. She just got back from school and already got in trouble? It's not her fault that everyone at school thinks she's weak and defenseless because of what happened in second grade.

From 6th to 8th grade, she was bullied every single day. Hit. Slapped. Punched. Kicked. Bullied. There was nothing she could do besides take it, and get so much worse. She began to self harm and developed depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and an eating disorder.

Those 3 years were her darkest years ever. Let's not forget to mention that she was gang raped at the age of 13, and it was during the school year. She didn't have time to recover from the physical and mental pain. Focusing in school was tough. Really tough. She fell really behind, and there was nothing she could do about it.

High school came, and she thought things would be so so much more worse. It actually wasn't as bad as she thought because the summer of freshman year she took self defense lessons at the gym. 6 hours a day, and it really did come in handy.

Freshman year wasn't too bad. There were some people from junior high there and they teased her still, but they found new friends and just didn't have time for her. However, she did attract many guys. Specifically the perverts of the school. Even when she covered herself up from head to toe, they still gave her hungry stares. She was very confused.

One day, she grabbed a hall pass to the girls bathroom. While she was walking, a blonde guy grabbed her and took her into the janitor's closet. He kissed her all around and tried taking off her clothes. She tried screaming for help, but he duct taped her mouth shut. Right when he was about to take off her panties, one of the janitors opened the door and they both collapsed on the floor.

The blonde guy tried running away, but Ariana grabbed him by the ankle and made him trip and fall. From there, the janitor called over the principal and the police. The guy was put away in prison while Ariana had to continue on with her life. Since this was high school, she didn't have time to think about it. She simply had to move on because worse things have happened. Sophomore year came, and she met Aaron. Her boyfriend. Well, everyone already knows that story so we can move on.

Then, junior year came. The absolute worst year of her life. This was the year where she actually had friends who can empathize with her when it comes to mental illness. She recovered from her self harm and eating disorder, but as for the depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder, that wasn't going away. She made so many friends who dealt with the same issues she did.

However, theirs was worse. Ariana wasn't suicidal, but every single one of her friends were. One by one, they disappeared from the world. Especially after junior year was over.

July, the month we are in right now, was when she lost all 8 of her friends. 2 friends were gone per week, and Ariana couldn't get any sadder. She even thought about suicide herself after July was over because she had nobody left. Nobody but herself, and she had to save herself from herself, if that makes any sense.

Senior year came, and it wasn't getting any better. She had to see a therapist every day after school and take her medications. She didn't make that many friends. She only had Melanie, and it was better than nothing, right? Halfway through senior year, she was getting better. Her grades were improving. Her mental health was improving, as well. She was making some friends.Overall, she was getting better.She will be taking a year off first so she can focus on her mental health first. It may seem like she's mentally stable right now, but is she?

The past months has been hectic as shit. It all started when she met Justin. Sometimes she regrets meeting him, sometimes she doesn't. She just faced her rapist and nearly killed him. Now, you tell me if she's mentally stable or not.

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