Chapter 13

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"But she was already broken, and it made her blind, but she can never believe that love would ever treat her right" - Fall, Justin Bieber


"So, has she thought about it yet?" I asked Ryan, taking a bite of my apple. It's been about 2 days since Ryan last talked to Ariana, and she hasn't told him anything yet. He told me everything he told her, and I couldn't help but feel all these emotions inside of me. Happiness. Guilt. Anger.

"I don't know. You know, Justin. You can't expect her to just come running back to you after what I told her. I had to remind her of all the bad shit you did to her." I sighed. I never meant to do anything to harm her. At first, it was just for fun so she can learn not to mess with me and be scared of me each time we make eye contact. Here we are nor, waiting for her to text Ryan to see if she's ready to talk to me, and I want nothing more than to just see her. Even if she is pissed off at me.

"I know but, I don't know. I just want to see her." Ryan gave me a sympathetic look. "You really are falling for her, aren't you?" Absolutely. "No. I swore to myself that I would never fall for another girl." Too late for that. "Bro, it's alright. I know at first I wasn't okay with that because I was scared that Ariana would be just like Selena. After I spoke to her, I realized that she is nothing like her. She's different. She's a damn good keeper, too." He is right. Ariana is nothing like Selena. Any guy would be lucky to have her, she's just so amazing. Then again, she is very stubborn and bitchy.

"I'll believe it when I see it." I snapped. He seemed drawn back by my response, but shrugged it off. "Whatever, let's just wait for her to respond." I rolled my eyes. "There's no point." He narrowed his eyes at me. "What the fuck do you mean there's no point?" I shrugged and rolled my eyes again. "I mean it's been two days. We both know how stubborn she is, she won't text you." Ryan slammed his phone down on the table. Why is he getting angry?

"You say it like you know everything about her. You're the one who's been waiting for her to text back."

"Actually, that's you waiting for her." He was starting to clench his hands into fists. "Yeah, because I'm doing this for you!" He screamed, keeping his fists at his side. Ryan wouldn't fight me, he knows better. He knows I would kick his ass in two seconds. "Well, now there's no point in waiting anymore because she hates my guts." I stood up and began to walk away. I heard him whisper something, but I didn't know what he said.

"You're screwing this up, Justin." He said. I whipped around, glaring at him. "I'm not screwing anything up. If anything, you talking to Ariana just screwed this whole thing up!" I saw a smirk rise on his face, but it went away within a second.

"Oh really?"

"Really." I said with gritted teeth.

"Tell me how, Justin. How am I screwing things up between you two?"

"If you never went over there and reminded her of everything that happened within this month, she wouldn't be in her house deciding whether or not she wants anything to do with me anymore! All I do is cause her pain. Physical and mental pain, even when I don't mean to. I can't control myself when I'm around her." While I was talking, Ryan's phone went off. He took it out of his pocket and read whatever notification he had.


After two days of thinking, I've decided I should get this over with.

I hit send.


"A-And she's just so beautiful and interesting."

"Justin." Ryan called out.

My New Neighbor - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now