Chapter 25

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"I can't deny, I really missed him." - My Everything, Ariana Grande.


The next day, I told Ryan and Scooter that I have decided to join them. Scooter said that I need to prepare myself for intense training, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I have one whole day to myself before we head back to headquarters.

I decided to use this whole day to talk to my family, but over the phone. I can't do it in person, I know that I'll break and back out on joining the gang. Now that I'm in, there's absolutely no backing out now.

"Are you going to be okay?" Justin questioned with a concerned look on his face. Now that my family will know about this, I know that they'll be super disappointed in me and probably disown me. "I'll be fine, Justin. I need to do this and get it done and over with. I have a whole day to myself before I get trained. If anything, I'll go to you. Okay?" He nodded his head, giving me a quick kiss.

"I love you." I still love hearing those three words come out of his mouth. "I love you too." He smiled at me, and walked back inside, closing the door behind him.

Sighing, I sat back down on the instant chair with my phone gripped tightly in my hands. I looked out at the sunrise, admiring the beauty of it from the balcony. This is it. Everything that I thought I could save for the future has been completely gone. No college. No car. No home. No marriage. No kids. No nothing. Just me in a gang... Never in a million years would I have thought that I could say I'm in a freaking gang.

It's so crazy how much my life has changed ever since I first met Justin. I went from despising him so much to loving him. What the hell happened? I don't know, I can't even answer that question myself.

I remember how freaked out everyone was when they found out that Justin moved in next door.

"I was actually surprised when they found out it was someone else, for once Bieber didn't do something. I wonder what that little runt is up to." Dad commented. I sighed and took another bite into my sandwich. This is pretty much how it is every single night.We'll just sit and eat for a while up until someone just has to bring up Bieber.

"Honestly, for a criminal like him, he sure does get a lot of bitches." Calum remarked. My mom hit him in the arm and then pointed to Elizabeth, who was covering her ears with her tiny hands. She knows better than to listen to curse words and then say them out loud. When she was 2 years old, Calum used to curse on the phone all the time while he was babysitting her. When my parents got home from work, she would tell them that she learned a new word and it would end up being a curse wore that Calum said.Then he would get grounded and I would laugh at him and he'd get mad at me.

"Hey, it's true." Calum held up his hands in surrender. Unfortunately, he's not wrong. Justin does get a lot of girls around town. Some of them are prostitutes, more than three-fourths of them are typical teenage girls who are falling under his trance and are too stupid to realize what kind of guy he really is. I could never understand what's going on through those girls' minds when they go off with him. I never will because I'll never be that girl.

"Yeah, teenage girls these days are idiotic and so blind. This excludes you, Ariana." I shrugged, not really caring that my dad said that. He isn't wrong, either. Not going to lie, Justin is a really good looking person for someone who's a criminal. It's just like that time last year with the Boston Marathon bombing. The bomber was fiiiine as hell.

I sighed at that memory. Everyone despised him so much, it was crazy. Little did they know that their own daughter was involved with him the whole time, and sometimes I can't believe how oblivious they were to the whole situation.

My New Neighbor - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now