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╔═══"chapter six" ═╗

                                 ╚═ "let it out" ═══╝

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        ╚═ "let it out" ═══╝

jeongguk kept his head down as he walked, staring into the cracks of the cement sidewalk. his hands were shoved into the pockets of his denim jacket, a cold breeze swirling around him.

as he made his way down the streets of seoul, his head swimming with the same thoughts that had plagued his mind for more than a week now, jeongguk felt empty. he'd cried so many tears he no longer felt he had any more to shed, he'd wept until his chest was heaving and his lungs felt like they would collapse because of how little air was in there. he felt like a shell of his old self, and he hated that feeling.

he'd come to college and moved in with seokjin so he could start discovering who he was, learn about absolutely everything and meet new people. even though namjoon had loosened up and started to let jeongguk have more independence, he'd still gone through most of his teen years living as a modern-day rapunzel.
and yet here he was, trying not to break down as he walked because he felt like he'd taken a thousand steps backwards instead of forwards.

no wonder seokjin wants to leave me, jeongguk thought bitterly, i'm so weak and pathetic. our first fight and i'm this broken up about it.

he walked the rest of the way drowning in his own self hatred and doubt.

"coming! one second!"

there was the sound of footsteps running, and then the door flew open and jeongguk met eyes with a distressed jimin, who had flour in his hair and a pink apron tied around his waist. his fingers were stained brown, likely chocolate.

"jeongguk? what are you do–oh my god, are you okay? come in, holy shit," jimin reached out and grabbed the younger's wrist, pulling him into the apartment. he was led to the couch and pushed down, watching as jimin scrambled to the kitchen to wash his hands. it was at this time that jeongguk noticed the vast amount of pastries that covered nearly every flat surface in the main living area. trays upon trays of muffins, cookies, and cupcakes as well as some fancy looking desserts filled the apartment with a sweet aroma.

"i'm sorry, i was a little busy..." jimin looked at the pastries sheepishly, "our anniversary is in two days and i don't know, i'm freaking out." jimin had always had this habit of obsessively baking or cooking whenever he was stressed about something. taehyung found it adorable. the shorter male sat down next to jeongguk, grasping his hand, gently this time. "enough about that, though. what's wrong, guk? tell hyung."

jeongguk took a breath, suddenly regretting his decision to come here and seek advice. he didn't want to burden jimin with his troubled thoughts when the older had enough to worry about. he started to stand, his mind already made to just leave, when he was harshly yanked back down.

"jeon jeongguk if you don't sit the hell down and tell me what is wrong i will beat it out of you." jimin's voice had changed tones, his satoori slipping through and sending a shiver throughout jeongguk's body.

gulping, jeongguk quickly sat down, fiddling with his fingers. "it's stupid, though. i'm just being irrational, and-" he stopped, feeling emotion rising in his throat and quickly swallowed it down.

jimin, softer then before, gently took jeongguk's cold hand and squeezed it. "guk-ah, i promise you that whatever you're feeling right now is justified and you have every right to be angry at seokjin for what he's done to y-"

jeongguk cut in, "but it's not that, hyung. i'm not mad at him, i'm mad at myself. i've been trying to figure out what i did to hurt him, to make him feel like he has to distance himself from me. if he's pushing me away, there has to be a reason. he said it himself–i'm too clingy." he shook his head, blinking tears out of his eyes.

jimin didn't say anything, just untied his apron and immediately pulled jeongguk closer, so the boy was practically in his lap. jimin's strong arms wrapped around jeongguk, holding him close in the way he knew the younger needed to be held. they were only like that for a few moments before jimin heard the first few quiet sniffles, and then it wasn't long until jeongguk was full-blown sobbing in jimin's arms. "i just d-don't get it, jiminie hyung! i love him so m-much..." jeongguk cried, burying his face in jimin's black shirt. "what's wrong with me? why doesn't s-seokjin hyung love me back anymore?" he hiccuped, another sob rising in his throat.

"shh, shh, let it all out, gukkie. it's okay, there's nothing wrong with you," jimin was whispering in jeongguk's ear when suddenly the door opened, and taehyung appeared in the doorway with bags of groceries in his hands. jimin made a silent gesture for taehyung to put the food away and come over, which the younger did.
"guk, look, taehyungie's here to make you feel better." jimin murmured, rubbing the ravenette's back soothingly.

the sobs subsided for a moment, as jeongguk raised his red and teary face to look at taehyung, whose face crumbled at the sight of his utterly devastated youngest best friend. weakly, jeongguk untangled himself from jimin's embrace and held his hands out towards taehyung. "taetae..." he whispered brokenly.

"oh, you poor thing, come here, let hyung make you feel better," taehyung pulled the younger into his lap and let him wrap his arms around the brunettes neck, weeping into his shoulder. taehyung kept a firm grip on jeongguk's waist, holding him like he'd lose him if he dared let go. as he rubbed the boy's back and whispered sweet nothings in his ear, taehyung couldn't help but feel a rush of anger towards seokjin for hurting his best friend like this.

jeongguk had never had a relationship before seokjin, so he'd never had to experience any form of heartbreak. this was the main reason why jeongguk was so broken over this fight, because he'd never learned how to handle this kind of thing. he was just a fragile little thing, as seokjin had had the audacity to break him. taehyung felt a surge of protectiveness over jeongguk, and he held him closer, reaching one hand up to card through the boy's soft black locks.

taehyung glanced up at jimin, the couple exchanging knowing glances. it was time for someone to step in, or this would utterly destroy jeongguk.

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