˚e p i l o g u e˚

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╔═══"epilogue" ═╗

                                 ╚═ "goodbye" ═══╝

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                     ╚═ "goodbye" ═══╝

a warm summer breeze swirled around the couple as they exited the apartment complex, a comfortable silence between them. seokjin was trailing a large suitcase behind him, while jeongguk walked at his side carrying the elder's carry-on bag.

they reached seokjin's truck, and the two of them managed to toss the bags into the backseat. seokjin got in the driver's seat, while jeongguk hopped into the passenger side.

"i'm gonna miss this truck," seokjin commented somewhat wistfully.

"made a lot of memories in here," jeongguk smiled with a certain sparkle to his eyes.

seokjin caught the playful glint in the younger's eyes, a smirk on his own lips. "we sure did."

the ride to the airport was mostly just that, occasional comments over shared memories. the past six months had been more than either of them could ask for. they repaired their relationship, stronger now that there were no secrets between them, and they were better able to communicate with each other. a few days after they made up, it was their anniversary and seokjin made sure to go absolutely overboard to make up for everything he'd done. it had been romantic, heartfelt, and really all anybody could ever want but at the same time, just being with seokjin again was enough for jeongguk.

seokjin found a parking spot relatively close to the entrance, and the two got out his bags and made their way into the busy airport. it was summer, and everyone in south korea seemed to be travelling.

"you're sure you have everything?" the younger couldn't help but ask for the fourth time.

seokjin rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's question. "yes, jeongguk. i'm sure."

"your passport?"

"in the outside pocket of my carry on."

"boarding pass?"

"tucked inside my passport," seokjin sighed dramatically, although it really warmed his heart to see jeongguk so cautious.

"what about us?"

seokjin turned to see all their friends standing there, smiling. he covered his own grin with his hand, shaking his head as he walked over to them. "you didn't think we'd let you leave without saying goodbye, did you?" hoseok pulled the eldest into a hug.

they took turns hugging him. jimin and taehyung latched onto him, babbling goodbyes like little kids. yoongi tried to keep his cool exterior, but ended up sniffling a little as he squeezed seokjin tight. "i'm gonna miss you, you son of a bitch."

namjoon stepped forward, eyes teary. "don't forget to come home sometimes, okay? don't forget about us." he wrapped his arms tightly around seokjin, trying to hold back the tears as he said goodbye to his best friend of more than a decade. "love you hyung."

"love you too, joonie," seokjin hugged the younger back, feeling his own emotions bubbling up in his throat. he stepped back, wiping at his eyes as he turned to face jeongguk again. "well? i think i should get going, no?"

"i think you forgot one thing, hyung." jeongguk was looking up at the older, holding his hands behind his back.

"oh yeah?" seokjin sniffled, trying to smile for the sake of his boyfriend. "what's that, babe?"

"me," the younger stated simply, thrusting his hands into seokjin's face. in his grip was a slip of paper, which the confused elder took.

"a... boarding pass? what...?" seokjin furrowed his brows.

"oh, this too," jeongguk took out another folded paper from his jeans pocket, handing that to the elder as well. the rest of the group stood, smiling knowingly.

seokjin began reading: "'dear jeon jeongguk, thank you for transferring to tokyo university of the arts. we look forward to–'" he looked up at jeongguk, then down at the second boarding pass in his hand. "you..."

"i told you, no matter what you choose, i'll be by your side." jeongguk said softly as he smiled.

seokjin felt his eyes tearing up again, and he wordlessly stepped forward and pulled jeongguk into a hug. "thank you," he whispered shakily.

"i love you too much to let you leave without me," the ravenette said as he connected their lips. seokjin kissed back, cupping the younger's face.

"okay, lovebirds. hurry or you'll miss your flight," hoseok teased. the couple broke apart, seokjin unable to stop smiling now that he knew he wasn't leaving behind his love. he really didn't have to choose between following his dreams and being with his boyfriend after all.

jeongguk said his goodbyes, crying only when he got to namjoon. seokjin and hoseok both had to pry the younger off of his brother when they were called to start boarding. they walked off in the direction of their gate, waving to their friends, hands intertwined.

as they boarded the plane to tokyo, they said goodbye to their old lives and got ready for the first chapter of their lives together.

the last six months had been a time of change and serious development in their lives and relationship, and now neither doubted their love for each other, they could talk about anything to each other, and were ready to move forward together. they were closer than ever, and nothing could push them away now.

jeongguk couldn't tear his eyes away from the window as the plane took off into the skies. "hyung, look! it's so pretty," he explained, slapping seokjin on the arm lightly to get his attention.

"isn't it?" seokjin smiled, ruffling jeongguk's dark hair lovingly. he pressed a kiss to the younger's forehead, sighing in content. "can you believe all this happened because of a kiss when we were drunk at a frat party?"

jeongguk giggled, "a frat party i wasn't even technically allowed at." he leaned into his boyfriend's touch, closing his eyes as he rested his head on seokjin's broad shoulder. "i do remember the morning we actually met. i didn't think i'd ever seen anybody more beautiful in my life," he admitted somewhat shyly.

seokjin blushed, but laughed as well. "you didn't even know who i was until i kissed you!" leaning back in his seat, he reminisced. "it was fun toying with you though. making you all flustered and blushy. those two weeks were probably the best in my life."

jeongguk hummed in agreement, kicking off his shoes and undoing his seatbelt once the light was off, curling up to seokjin's side. "love you hyung," he mumbled sleepily.

a soft smile rested on seokjin's pink lips. he wrapped his arm around his younger boyfriend, rubbing his arm soothingly. he looked out the window, seeing the blue sky and fluffy clouds and felt at peace.

"i love you too, jeongguk. forever and always."

/ the end /

thank you so much for reading!!

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