˚t w e l v e˚

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╔═══"chapter twelve" ═╗

                                 ╚═ "worry" ═══╝

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             ╚═ "worry" ═══╝

hoseok rocked back on the balls of his feet as he pressed the doorbell. "what if he's not home?"

a hand wrapped around his waist, squeezing his side reassuringly. "don't worry, he'll be here," yoongi murmured and pressed a kiss to hoseok's temple.

hoseok didn't have a chance to say anything more, because just then the door opened and a tall man looked at the two males on his doorstep. "hyungs? what are you doing here?" asked namjoon, brow quirking. "it's been a while, come in."

he stepped to the side to allow them inside, and they walked into the warm house, eventually sitting down in the living room. yoongi sat next to hoseok on the loveseat while namjoon sank into a chair opposite.

yoongi played with his hands for a moment before looking up to meet the younger's eyes. "we wanna talk to you about jeongguk."

it was hard to miss the way namjoon's entire face almost lit up at the mention of his little brother. his eyes widened and sparkled, corners of his mouth curving up, not enough to bring out his dimples, but enough to show his emotion. "it's been so long since i've seen him," namjoon said quietly, eyes flicking down for a moment. "how is he?"

hoseok bit his lip. "that's why we came here, joon-ah. we're really concerned."

namjoon's face fell, and his eyes shone with worry now rather than love. "is he okay? did something happen?" his hand gripped the armrest of the chair.

"um, probably close to two weeks ago now," yoongi began, "guk and seokjin hyung got into a nasty fight. jin hyung stayed with us for a couple days, and jeongguk's just been... a mess."

namjoon's grip on the chair tightened, and he gritted his teeth. "i should have known he'd hurt jeongguk. i never should have let him move in with him."

yoongi's gaze hardened, and he glared at namjoon. "stop that right now. this is not the time to get all mother gothel up on your rapunzel. anyways," he cleared his throat once namjoon lowered his head. "jeongguk's been partying and drinking his ass off to take his mind off of what happens, and hobi and i are worried for him. he crashed at our place the other night, and i was with him all night, all  the crying and throwing up."

hoseok nodded, finally looking away from the floor to meet namjoon's eyes, "he needs you right now, namjoon. he wants seokjin, but he needs you."

jimin awoke to the sound of the door clicking shut. blearily he blinked his eyes, rubbing at them with his small hands. he sat up slowly, squinting to see in the darkness of the bedroom. "taehyungie?" he called out sleepily, pulling the covers up around him. his boyfriend had been gone for the better part of the day, working at the design company he was interning at. jimin had had a class in the morning, but had been by himself for the rest of the afternoon and evening. he'd been holed up in their bedroom, watching dramas on netflix cuddled up in one of taehyung's sweaters that was many sizes too big for him.

"it's me, jagi. did i wake you?"

taehyung climbed onto the bed, reaching out with his hands to find his boyfriend. he heard a small giggle as his hand pressed flat against what he realized was jimin's nose. "sorry," he laughed, retracting his hand.

jimin reached out and flicked the lamp on, the warm light casting strange shadows on the walls. taehyung was kneeling amidst the blankets next to him, a soft smile on his face. the light from the lamp illuminated his tanned skin. smiling, jimin shifted so he was closer to the younger, and threw his arms around taehyung's neck. "you look pretty," he murmured as he pressed wet kisses to the honey skin of taehyung's throat and collarbones. "missed you today."

taehyung hummed as he wrapped his arms around jimin's small waist and pulled him into his lap. gently, one of his hands reached up and carded through jimin's soft locks of hair. "i missed you more, did you know that?" a long sigh, and then jimin was pulling away and looking at him with concern.

"are you okay, tae?" jimin spoke softly, voice so light and full of love that taehyung almost burst into tears. instead, he laid down on his side of the bed, head flopping onto the pillow as he shut his eyes. jimin's lips formed a pout as he watched, unsure as he shifted around.

"i'm just tired, jiminie." taehyung finally spoke, and held out his arms for jimin to fall into, which the older gladly did. if you were to ask jimin what his favourite pastime was, he'd answer that laying in taehyung's arms, being held in his safe and warm embrace, was undoubtedly it. jimin loved the way taehyung would pull him close so his face was resting on the younger's chest, taehyung's heartbeat the soundtrack that sang jimin to sleep every night. he loved how taehyung would rest his chin on top of jimin's head; it made him feel small and protected.

jimin curled his fingers into the material of taehyung's shirt, chewing his lower lip. he didn't say anything, knowing sometimes it was better to lay in silence than fill the air with pointless words.

"i love you, jiminie."

a smile spreading across his face, jimin lifted his head and looked up at taehyung. "you know," he said as he slowly moved to climb on top of the younger, "i'll never get tired of you saying that." jimin pressed his thighs against taehyung's sides, and leaned down to connect their lips.

as they pulled away for air, taehyung reached up and cupped jimin's face. "i love you," he whispered before leaning in again.

giggling, jimin kissed back. "i love you," he said between kisses.

"is that my sweater?" taehyung suddenly said, a knowing smirk on his face. jimin reddened, sitting up and hiding his face in his hands. "it's okay, jiminie, it's cute on you." the younger chuckled, reaching up to grab the strings of the hoodie, tugging them tight to pull jimin down and connecting their lips again.

"i love you, baby." taehyung murmured as he tilted his head and sucked a mark into the sensitive skin of jimin's collarbones, that was exposed from the baggy sweater.

"taehyungie~" jimin whined softly, hand pushing against his boyfriend's chest. "it's late, we should sleep..."

sighing, taehyung pulled away and gave jimin one last peck on the older's swollen lips before stroking his cheek. "you're so beautiful, you know that?"

blushing, jimin ducked his head to bury it in taehyung's warm chest. "shut up," was his muffled reply.

"i won't stop saying it till you believe me. now good night park jimin, my beautiful, sweet angel," taehyung said lovingly. jimin rolled off of taehyung's chest and curled into his side, leg hooking over the younger's own leg and throwing his arm across his chest, and sighing contentedly.

"night, taetae. love you."

taehyung pulled the blankets over their intertwined bodies, and the two fell asleep comforted by each other's presence.


some soft ass vmin fluff to mend your hearts 💞 god i'm such a sucker for vmin honestly i love them so muc h

y'all was asking about namjoon so here he is!! big brother to the rescue!!

bye for now!!!

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