˚n i n e˚

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╔═══"chapter nine" ═╗

                                 ╚═ "forget" ═══╝

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                    ╚═ "forget" ═══╝

the music was pounding in his ears, adrenaline flowing through his body as he made his way through the mass of sweaty bodies.

jeongguk was way past drunk at this point in the night; as soon as he'd arrived to the party he'd headed for the kitchen and made himself a drink of the strongest combination of drinks available, and then proceeded to have about five more. after that he could hardly walk, so he switched to beer, and was currently clutching his third bottle.

he just wanted to forget. forget about everything that had happened in the last week or so, forget about the heartbreak that was a constant dull ache in his chest, forget about everything. just for a night, jeongguk wanted to act like nothing had happened, like how things were a month ago, when him and seokjin were happy as ever and jeongguk didn't doubt the elder's love for him.

"jeongguk! hey, man!" a voice called out above the music, and the ravenette turned his head to see a familiar male approaching. a smile spread across his face as he greeted the boy he hadn't seen in a while with a short hug.

"bambam! how are you? it's been a long time, dude! where have you been?" jeongguk asked, leaning against the wall behind him and raising his bottle to his lips.

"oh, i've been good, thanks. i'm in college–not yours, i'm afraid–and i'm just here with my boyfriend. how about you? you still with that tall model dude?"

if he were more sober, jeongguk probably would have tensed up and got emotional at the question, but the ridiculous amount of alcohol in his system saved him from that, and instead he just chuckled dryly. "fuck if i know, man. it's been a rough week."

"aw, sorry to hear that. hope you fix whatever shit's going on, i know he made you pretty happy," bambam frowned, patting jeongguk on the shoulder.

jeongguk waved off the older boy's concern. "so, who's the boyfriend? i assume he ditched you to dance?"

bambam grinned, "actually, it's yugyeom," he admitted somewhat shyly. "we've been together pretty much since that one party where you got smashed and your man had to pick you up. well, it was actually a few weeks after that party we started dating."

jeongguk grinned. he'd always known yugyeom would find someone, and he couldn't imagine anyone better for him than bambam. "that's great, bam. i'm happy for you guys. say, where is yugyeomie? i haven't seen him in ages."

bambam turned to look into the sea of bodies, eyes scanning the crowd. "he's probably somewhere over there, dancing. i left him with jackson, so he should be alive at the very least," bambam then chuckled, shaking his head. "i'm going to find the bathroom. see you around, hopefully?"

jeongguk flashed him a smile, "sure, yeah. take care, dude."

after the elder disappeared down the hall, jeongguk took the last gulp of beer before discarding the empty bottle on a nearby table and headed for the dance floor.

it was time to fucking party.

jeongguk gasped quietly as lithe fingers trailed up his body, grasped at his member and moved up and down expertly. he rolled his hips, grinding down to get that friction he so craved, as waves of pleasure rocked through him with every thrust.

moaning lewdly, jeongguk tugged at the other's hair, "i'm c-close."

"jeongguk," the other groaned in pleasure, quickening his pace as he too neared climax. the raven-haired boy clenched his eyes shut as he felt his release coming, his nails digging–


jeongguk sat up, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead and his hair messy. his lower body was covered with a blanket, and he was wearing the same shirt as he'd worn to the party. finally he looked up to the man frowning down at him. "hyung?" he asked confusedly.

yoongi huffed, arms crossed over his chest. "the one time in my fucking life i decide to be a good person, you bust a nut on my couch. i can't believe you."

a heated blush spread across jeongguk's cheeks as the younger pulled the blanket up to hide his face. "sorry, yoongi hyung," he mumbled as yoongi sighed and walked off.

"leave him be, yoongs. he's a kid," hoseok said as he entered the room, hair damp after evidently having taken a shower. he smiled at jeongguk before walking into the kitchen. "you hungry, kiddo?"

"uh, y-yeah, actually. hoseok hyung, what... what happened last night?" jeongguk asked as he rubbed at his eyes and tried to fix his hair.

hoseok chuckled as he began to prepare breakfast, "well, to be quite honest, you got absolutely wasted. by the time yoongi found you, your pants and dignity were both nowhere to be found." jeongguk groaned in embarrassment, while the older just laughed and continued, "so we brought you back home and yoongi got you clothes and food and stayed with you while you threw your guts up. it was really cute and he keeps getting pissed at me whenever i mention it."

a small smile did appear on jeongguk's lips as he imagined his hyung dutifully caring for him. while he waited for hoseok to finish cooking, the ravenette curled up into the sofa and played with his fingers.

it soon dawned on him that this sofa was likely the same place seokjin had been sleeping, and then jeongguk was quick to realize he hadn't seen seokjin. "hey, hyung?"

"hm?" hoseok responded without turning around.

"um, if i may ask, where... where's seokjin hyung? i thought yoongi hyung told me he was staying with you guys?" jeongguk asked quietly.

hoseok stopped what he was doing and turned around to face the younger, biting his lip. "ah, well, he actually left a few days ago. he just left us a note and we haven't heard from him since," was hoseok's equally soft reply.

"oh," jeongguk swallowed. "okay."

hoseok furrowed his brows, watching the younger with concern. "i'm sure he'll come home soon, guk. he loves you a lot."

loved, jeongguk wanted to correct his hyung. past tense. he doesn't love me anymore. if he did, why would he leave?

yoongi reappeared just as hoseok was setting a plate of eggs and toast in front of a dejected-looking jeongguk. "i gotta go to class, i'll see you later for lunch, okay? love you." he leaned in and pressed a quick but firm kiss to hoseok's lips, his hand lingering on the younger's chest as he pulled away.

jeongguk watched the couple with an aching heart as hoseok grinned and pulled yoongi in for another kiss, this one much longer and more sensual than the first. he had to eventually look away because of the painful reminder that he didn't have anyone to treat him like that.

yoongi was almost out the door before he seemed to remember jeongguk's presence, and stopped in his tracks. "you take care, okay jeongguk-ah? no more of that bullshit you pulled last night. you're stronger than that." and with that, the eldest of the three shut the door behind him, leaving hoseok and jeongguk in a somewhat awkward silence.

kim seokjin, please come home.

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