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A thunderous boom echoed about the corridors of Hogwarts and as she reached the courtyard, Voldemort's voice returned, clearly for some sort of speech. Assuming it would be something worthless she sat down on some cobblestone steps.

"Harry Potter is dead."

A bucket of ice water could have just been poured all over her, and some form of uncontrollable shivering caused her to stand in shock.

"He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him."

Instinct growled at that statement, and her bones began to pop and rearrange until she became a black wolf on the stairs to Hogwarts. The rest of the people that had been in the Hall were also there and the few people next to Scarlet were also a little intimidated by her menacing form.

"We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone. The battle is won, you've lost half your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you."

That remark seemed somewhat fact, and deep down Scarlet's sorrow crept forward. The wolf began to shake and its eyes closed, muzzle facing away. A hand soon rubbed at the soft spot between her shoulders, giving her some comfort. The gentle hand then scratched her behind the ear, and looking up Scarlet saw that it Luna Lovegood sat beside her.

Regardless of what The words coming from Voldemort's mouth and how much of it could be considered truth, she refused to believe Harry had been killed, and the suggestion that he had died during an attempt to run away, most definitely a lie.

"... and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman, or child will be slaughtered, as well as every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before him, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will be forgiven, and you will join me in a new world we will build together."

In the distance, Scarlet could make out a large figure parting the crowd of Death Eaters, his scent only proving to her that these movements were reality. She witnessed a scene in which a roped Hagrid, carried the lifeless body of Harry in his arms. She could hear the now quiet sobs of Hagrid who must have cried so much he now lacked the tears and voice to do so anymore. People screamed and shouted, some even crying at what they were all displayed with, and it seems then that Voldemort knew he had won by finally removing their leader and the reason behind their willingness to fight. He silenced them.

He called for people to join him, almost in a leer and much to her sadness Draco stepped forward. Though she knew why, his mother and father could be seen in the distance. She only knew one thing for certain about Draco, and that just so happened to be his love for his mother, and though anger bubbled about in her blood, dissapointed that he would abandon the fight so quickly she understood his reasonings. She felt the silencing charm fall from her, and in her animal state howled softly into the air. Her cry seemed as soft as the wind but reached Draco's ears. She doubted she would ever know if he understood her meaning.

Much to everyone's surprise, a limping figure moved forward drawing in everyone's attention. Neville had stepped up to fight, Scarlet looked over and saw no fear on his face, instead his eyes were filled with determination and courage. He approached Voldemort and there were few cries of disappointment.

She could do nothing and soon the sadness overcame her and she slumped to the ground, her ears folded so as not to hear whatever could happen next. She could smell cloth burning and assumed Neville had been lit on fire, she refused to look. A rumbling then shook the ground beneath her and again she didn't even move, her bones were in too much pain to do so anyway. But what caused her head to snap upright had filled her nose. A cold sweat, instantly her eyes were drawn to the dormant figure in Hagrid's arms. From here she couldn't see him move, and he looked dead in every way, but he didn't smell dead.

Wolf-Blood (Harry Potter Fan-Fic) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now