Maeva's POV:
After the short drive, I pull over next to the Starbucks, and take in the smell of the cooling winter night. I smell the old gasoline, and different pastries that were baked earlier in the day. I make a mental note to buy Vanessa something to lift her spirits up. I begin to think his scent vanished when I finally smelled it. Brazilian cedar. Perfect. Now I just have to follow his trail. Like a dog. I groan. Why couldn't I have just planted a tracker on him? It would have made my life so much easier.
My nose leads me to a park. I scan the tree lines for a flash of brown. I can feel myself getting closer. His smell intensifies when I suddenly feel a pressure on my left foot. Sparks begin messing with my senses.
'Well what do you know, we did bump into him after all' Antarctic says, desperately trying to get me to turn around to get a good look at Logan. He starts mumbling something about this just not being his evening but abruptly stops when he catches a glimpse of my face. He just stares at me. I begin to shift under his gaze feeling self conscious.
"Sorry, I should have been looking where I was going." I whisper trying to break the awkward silence.
He snaps out of his trance. "No it's completely my fault, I'm sorry." My mate's eyes widen in realization. "Oh my god! Maeva did I hurt you? I'm so sorry are you okay?"
I can smile at him. I like his protectiveness. I place my hand on his arm. The tension built up in his muscles instantly disappears.
"It's okay, I'm perfectly fine. I promise." I try reassuring him. He still gives me a worried look. I decide to switch subjects. "What are you doing around here?"
"I live down the road. The house in front of the woods." I know.
"Nice, but why come to the park when the woods are closer to your house?"
Logan shrugs, "It's a different atmosphere really. Sometimes I want to hang around people and other times I just want to be left alone. Do you see what I mean?"
I nod.
"You?" He slightly nudges my shoulder. Crap, I hadn't thought about that.. Come on think. Don't be a stalker. I say the first thing that pops into my mind.
"My friend is feeling down and I heard that this neighborhood has one of the best bakeries in the district. I wanted to get her something nice."
"Lucky her." He glances across the park. "Is it the same friend from this morning?"
I nod. Why am I so shy around him? I'm usually so much more confident.
"You told me you played the guitar at the party. For how long?" I ask desperate to ease the awkwardness.
"A few years, it's fun and all, but it can never beat a good dance or seeing my friends." He looks at me. "What about you? As I recall I told you quite a bit about myself, but I don't know a lot about you, other than the fact that you're a natural dancer and that you like blue, Loic Nottet, Bryan Adams and that you have a friend you clearly cherish."
"Other than that there's really not much to tell." I shrug.
"Come on everyone has a story." Logan presses. I laugh.
"Maybe I'm just not one to tell."
I meet his eyes and instantly regret it. He begins pouting at me. Not just the cute puppy dog pout. He looks as innocent as a baby penguin coming out of its shell. It's so adorable.
"Fine!" I bite the inside of my cheek to suppress a giggle. "I like clear my head with long walks to get away from everything."
"Everyone does that. Tell me something else."

My Taken Mate
WerewolfThis isn't your average fictional werewolf lovey-dovey fairytale. It doesn't start with "I met my mate and it was love at first sight for the both of us" and doesn't actually have an ending. These "events" actually did happen. How do I know, you ask...