Chapter 9

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Maeva's POV:

I watch Niall pace around the living room, fumbling with his shirt. I don't blame him. I would get nervous too if I knew I was meeting Logan for the first time this afternoon.

"Quit laughing and help me Maeva." He almost snaps at me. Yep, definitely anxious. I bite back my giggles as I button up the top of his shirt for him. Impatience radiates off him.

"Easy there tiger, panicking won't make that clock go any faster." It's 2:30 p.m. Almost time to meet up with Kaylie.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm weird for tagging along? What if I freeze up in front of her?"


"What if I'm not good enough? What if she can't feel the bond?" He rambles on. His hands going through his hair.

"Niall," I try again.

"What if I lose control? What if Ace comes out? Wha-"

"Niall!" This time his eyes divert to me. He is almost shaking with nervousness. "Calm down okay? You're giving me a headache. She's going to love you. You two are made for each other. Everything will be alright. Just try to keep Ace in check."

I know that at this very moment, I could try anything, but nothing I can say can help him overcome his insecurities. Even though he has nothing to be ashamed of. Like most wolves, he is tall and well built, he has the looks and the brains that come with it. He's like the boy next door. The kind of guy, you could bring anything up with. He'll just sit there and listen as you rant about how you hate the latest episodes of Castle or how much a friend means to you.

He's always the first one there when you need a strong shoulder to cry on. The first one on the list of people you'd want to call to hide a body with. He's the all around genuine guy that a girl can only dream of calling her own.

Kaylie is lucky. I can always tell when he thinks about her. He has this look on his face, just like the one he has now. Kinda makes him look like a lost puppy. I'm sure he's testing a million and one theories on what she's like or how she looks. Imagining how her hand could feel clasped in his own, his lips on hers. I can tell he already loves her. Even without formally meeting her. It's all over his face.

"Thanks for this May. I mean it, really." He bites his bottom lip and lowers his gaze. He's looking at his feet like they just grew two extra toes.

"My pleasure Ni. You're good for each other. I can tell. I've never see you dress up for somebody before." I joke, trying to lighten the mood. He smiles up at me. I rub a friendly hand up his arm reassuringly.

"Now come on, it's time to get your mate." I don't need to tell him twice. He's already slipping on his trainers and out the door. I grin at his eagerness, and turn towards the door grabbing my phone and the keys to his truck in process.

Niall's POV:

I shoot Maeva a small glare as she takes her sweet time walking up to the passenger's side of my truck, with me holding the door, ready to slam it shut when she gets in it. I tap my foot impatiently. Could she possibly go any slower than she already is? It's like she's trying to annoy me.

After what seems like an eternity, I finally shut her door and get in the driver's seat, pressing my foot to the ground.

"Finally! Couldn't have gone any faster now could you?" I roll my eyes.

"Nope. Besides it wouldn't be as much fun." She simply states, smirking. I love her but sometimes I want to kill her. The truck jolts as I make a sharp turn left towards my mate's neighbourhood. I'm well aware that I'm breaking the speed limit but I don't give a damn. It's my first meeting with Kaylie we're talking about here.

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