Maeva's POV:
The more I stand there the more I get nervous. The only reason I haven't run away and locked myself in a bathroom is because my beautiful mate is here holding my hands, almost comforting me from my stage fright and nudging me on, as if he knew that I was uncomfortable.
'Heart don't fail me now,' He spins me out and then back in.
'Courage don't deceive me,' He then places both his hands on my shoulder blades as he dipped me back in a circular motion. I feel my nervousness slowly slip away.
'Don't turn back now that we're here..' He places his right hand under my arm, and takes my hand in his other one.
'People always say, life is full of choices.' He brushes his legs against mine signaling me to move backwards. I feel us move across the dance floor.
'No one ever mentions fear, or how the world can seem so vast..' I look up at him only to catch him staring at me with an emotion in his eyes, confusion? He spins us around a few times, shy smiles quickly forming on our faces.
'On a journey..' He seems to be debating something as he looks into my eyes, almost as a warning. I think I know what he's getting at.
'To the Past!' I tightly wrap my arms around his neck, supporting my weight as he drags me across the dance floor before dipping me. He pulls me back up, we are now fully smiling at each other as we continue to waltz throughout the next part of the lyrics. He whispers in my ear;
"On my signal, push me back, trust me."
I nod curious as to what he's up to.
'Well starting now I'm learning fast' He slightly dips me back to my left then completely to my right as I kick my foot up. He lifts me quickly to my feet only to turn us around and dip me again. He nods his head at me as I do as he had asked. He runs a few steps back and does a back roll on the floor before standing up and motioning for me to go to him.
'To the past....' he lifts me up high, and keeps us that way for a few seconds before gently placing me back on the ground. Right now, he looks like he's on cloud nine. He grins at me while I take his hands, placing us back into a closed position. He spins us around occasionally dipping me as we skid across the room.
'Logan does seem to enjoy that.' Ann comments.
'One step at a time...' I think that after that second lift, we're both starting to trust each other and we're also having more fun. Sure we're not the best dancers of the night, we are sticking to easy stuff but by the way he leads, I'm sure that I'll always land on my feet and if I fall, he would catch me.
The end of the song approaches. I look into Logan's eyes nodding at him signaling him to follow me. I pass under his arm and loop my right one around his shoulder and he places his under my back, carrying me while twirling us around in our spotlight. He then places me back on my feet and I hug him.
"That was amazing!" I whispered.
For the first time, I feel like I have the perfect partner, the perfect guy, the perfect mate right in front of me.
"It was really fun. Are you sure you only did a little bit of ballroom? You could have been getting lessons for years for all I know." Logan smiled. I blushed.
Vanessa's challenging glare stop me from answering him. Damn, she still doesn't get that he's my mate.
'Don't even think about it Maeva! Stay with our mate!'

My Taken Mate
Manusia SerigalaThis isn't your average fictional werewolf lovey-dovey fairytale. It doesn't start with "I met my mate and it was love at first sight for the both of us" and doesn't actually have an ending. These "events" actually did happen. How do I know, you ask...