Maeva's POV:
I wake up to continual buzzing on my bedside table. After about 5 minutes of non-stop annoyance, I lift my head to check the stupid phone. Vanessa is calling.
I groan and hit ignore, turning my phone off so I can go back to sleep. The second my head hits the pillow, my bedroom door flies open and V. barges in, jumping on my body.
"How dare you ignore my calls!" She shouts by my ear, immediately making me wince and try to bury my face in the pillow to muffle her out.
"Just let me sleep...indefinitely," I grumble out. I am not a morning person. As an afterthought, I add "Or at least until Logan loves me."
Vanessa huffs and stands up on my bed before yanking my blankets off of me. I shiver and moan out in protest, curling into a ball. "You are not going to win your man by lying here on this mattress. Now get your ass up and let's go make you pretty."
I gasp in mock offense, finally sitting up to look at up at her. "Are you saying I'm not pretty right now?"
"Sorry babe, but you look like you just went through a tornado. Have you seen your hair?"
I huff, crossing my arms. "No I haven't yet, I was just so rudely woken up."
"Damn right, now go get your ass in the shower, I have a full day planned for us."
Knowing she won't let up until I follow her orders, I regrettably walk to my adjoining bathroom. And to think she's only my beta, I'd hate to think what would happen if she was a Luna. 'She'd probably chew our head off in less than a day.' Antarctic snickers.
Towards the end my shower, I decide to just stand under the hot water and let my mind wander. I hear her pounding on the door, once again demanding that I hurry up. I ignore her and continue on with my zoning out. Bad idea.
The bathroom door opens minutes later and she waltzes in, key in hand. I growl at her, wrapping a towel around myself and exiting the steaming shower.
"First my sleep and now my shower? Don't you understand that these are my only moments of happiness?"
"Come on, you know I'm one too," She smiles innocently and I shrug in response. She glares immediately and ushers me to my vanity, promptly moving on from my 'rudeness'.
"Alright, towel, off, now." She orders. I look at her like she has three heads. "I'm not gonna rape you, don't worry. You're not my type anyways."
"What, I'm not sexy enough for you?" I sass, imitating a slutty model posing, as she throws an outfit at me. I can almost feel her roll her eyes at me as fabric blocks my line of sight.
"Jeez V. if you wanna make me look like Cam so bad you could have just asked me instead of torpedoing through my closet!" I say eyeing my dressing, that looks like a lawnmower had torn through it. Vanessa definitely is not the neatest person in the pack. 'I was wondering where our little blue dress had disappeared to.' My wolf comments, noticing a dress that had gone missing for two months. 'Well you can always count on V. to be messy enough to actually find stuff I guess.' I internally shrug. I scramble to get into the outfit she had tossed at me. If her personal goal of the day was to make me look ridiculous, she had succeeded with flying colors. I'm wearing a beige and pink flowery skirt with a baby pink v-neck shirt and cardigan. I can say in all honesty, my outfit makes me look like a Barbie.
"Took you long enough." Vanessa says pushing me onto a chair. I open my mouth in protest but she cuts me off. "Ah ah ah, let the master work her magic." I flinch slightly as I feel the coolness of her eyeliner on one of my eyelids. She glares at me.

My Taken Mate
WerewolfThis isn't your average fictional werewolf lovey-dovey fairytale. It doesn't start with "I met my mate and it was love at first sight for the both of us" and doesn't actually have an ending. These "events" actually did happen. How do I know, you ask...