Chapter 2

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*Shey's POV* 

“Is she awake yet? Is the nectar working yet?” I hear a familiar and feminine voice say. I try to open my eyes, but it feels like someone glued them shut.

“No, Jordan. You need to go back to your cabin and we’ll come and tell you if anything changes.” Cabin? Where in Florida is there enough actual woodland to have cabins?

“That isn’t fair! You and Ethan get to stay in here. Besides, I hate the Hermes cabin,” Jordan says, and I have a nagging feeling that she’s pouting.

“Jordan, please. I’ll let you stay in my cabin for tonight, okay?” A new voice says, with a slight accent. I swear I can hear Jor squeal in excitement.

“Thank you, Ethan,” the voice- that I now know as Lucian -says. As footsteps fade away, I hear a sigh from right next to me.

“I’m sorry you were hurt Shey. It wasn’t supposed to happen. We should’ve hurried you guys more,” he continues to talk, but the words begin to fade together and I feel like I’m falling into a drug-induced sleep.


I open my eyes and flinch when bright sunlight hits my eyes. I realize that I’m in a bed, with white linen, and a black pillow at the foot of the bed. The rest of the room looks similar, except I’m the only one with a black pillow. Not that that’s weird or anything, but it’s just something I notice.

The realization that I have no idea where I am hits me quite hard. I sit up quickly, and I’m greeted by a pounding headache at the base of my skull. Damnit. What in the hell happened to my head, I think.

“Shey!” I hear Jordan screech, and it spikes the throb into a harsh hammer beating to the head. She’s holding hands with the boy from the museum- Ethan, I think his name is. What the….

When I raise my eyebrow questioningly, her face turns red and she drops his hand and walks to where I’m currently positioned. “How do you feel? Anything hurt?”

“ head felt somewhat okay until you screamed like a bat out of hell,” I say with a smile. “Uh, how long have I been in here?” I ask after a minute or so of silence.

“About a week and a half...sort of,” she says sheepishly, like she didn’t want to tell me.

“A week?” I say, swinging my legs off the bed and ignoring the wave of nauseia that hits me immediately. “You know, there’s a place, and it’s called a hospital. It’s where you take people when they’re hurt,” I say, looking out of a window that overlooks a huge area with a bunch of cabins, a lake, a small arena, and a gigantic forest. “This place, however, isn’t the best place. Nor, need I remind you, does it look anything like Florida.”

“That’s the thing. We aren’t exactly in Florida.” At this I spin around and stare into her blue eyes. “We’re near New York, at a camp called Camp Half-Blood. This place is a camp for demigods.” Jor talks slowly, like she knows that I’m going to freak at any second.

But I don’t. I sit back on the bed and continue to stare out of the window. I’ve heard of demigods. They’re the offspring of a god and a human. Half god, half human. But demigods...existing? No way.

“There’s more than just that though, Shey…,” Jordan continues. “Me and Ethan, we’re kind of...sort of going out!” She says, waving to Ethan, who stands with a smile.

“That has nothing to do with this place,” I say. Jordan and Ethan exchange glances. “What are you two keeping from me?” I ask, crossing my arms.

Ethan steps slightly in front of Jordan, and I feel like he’s going to give me a speech on being a good student or something.

“We haven’t properly met, Shey. I’m Ethan Xavier Morgan, son of Hades,” he says, and I nod slowly, not seeing what he’s trying to get across. “And in ways of our dad, I’m your brother.”

A/n : Hey guys ! ( And girls, I suppose ). Cliff hanger ! Hope you people are enjoying the story so far, and if you find any errors in the story, please let me know by commenting.

Vote, comment, enjoy! 

-- Rikki

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