Chapter 3

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"Hades? Like...underworld ruler, three-headed dog, the river Styx Hades?" I say, focusing on Ethan(my apparent brother) instead of looking at Jordan, who's rambling about something. He looks uncomfortable. "How'd you even find out, huh? Because I haven't seen my dad in years and now I suddenly get- what'd you call it?"

"Claimed. He claimed you on our way to the camp. For most demigods it won't happen for days or even years, and it's unusual for someone to be claimed that quickly."

I look at Jordan, who is staring intently at the pillow I'm holding as if it's the most interesting thing she's ever seen. "How about you? Have you been 'claimed' yet, Jor?"

She looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, I'm Poseidon's only daughter. Apparently I have a brother...but he's off somewhere." She shrugs while standing. C'mon, we're going to tour you around the camp."

"What about this," I ask, pointing to my ankle, which is wrapped in what I guess is a cast.

"I, personally, would be fine with carrying you, Shey," says Lucian, who is leaning against the far door frame with the same infuriating smirk as he did when I first met him. I swear if my ankle wasn't broken I'd slap him to Tartarus or whatever Greeks say.

"In your dreams, lover boy." He rolls his eyes and brings me a pair of crutches.

"Good luck getting down the stairs then, princess," Lucian says with a wave as he walks out of the room. I can't believe I thought he was cute. Yet...I can't stop wondering who his parent is. I wonder if it would be rude to ask..?

"He's been acting different since we got back. Anyway, let's get going on that tour. I'll help you get down the stairs, I promise," Ethan says, but Jordan frowns.

"I'm the best friend here. I'll help her!" She says.

It takes a good 15 minutes for Jordan and I to make our way down the stairs, but it was better than letting him carry me. If I had let him, he'd probably have dropped me; the sick man.

"So how did he ask?" I ask when we're passing a pavilion with way too many tables and benches. Who would need that many?

" was kind of one of the normal ways. He just asked during dinner day before last." Jor shrugs.

I squeal, all the while trying not to fall on my face and create any more damage to myself. She stares at me with her blue eyes and starts laughing and then we both laugh for about three minutes for absolutely no reason. True friendship I guess.

"There's a few games tomorrow before dinner. Wanna join?" She asks as we near the  huge area with all the cabins that I saw from the place earlier.

Jordan shows me to a black cabin with a torch of green fire on either side of the door. Inside, there's one bed with grey sheets, a bookshelf with bare minimum books, a ladder, and a door off to the side.

“Uh, sure. I’m sure I can do some insane war game with crutches,” I mumble.

“Oh...right. Oh, right! Ethan gave me some ambrosia and nectar to give you. He said if you took it some tonight and some tomorrow morning before and after breakfast, you should be okay to do some of the activities.” Her smile widens with every word and then she pulls two zipper bags from her jacket pocket and hands them to me.


"Some weird demigod stuff. They gave it to you twice a day while you were in the infirmary."

I nod slowly just as a bell rings. Jordan jumps. “That’s the dinner bell. I’ll introduce you to the people I’ve met so far. I think Artemis and her hunters are here too, so you can meet Thalia.”

“I’m really not that hungry, besides I’m still kind of tired and…” I trail off because I don’t have any other reason, but maybe Jordan’ll just think I don’t wanna say anything else.

She stares at me like she’s trying to read my thoughts. “O-kaaay. But I expect you to be at breakfast tomorrow, kay?"

I nod and flop down on the bed at the far end of the cabin. Sleep greets me soon after I take the weird demigod stuff.

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