Chapter One

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*Shey's POV*

Jordan and I stand in the back of the group, the left earphone in my ear and the right in hers. Our teacher, Mr. Stone, stands in front of the group, droning on about some useless mythological crap. Jordan nudges me with her elbow, and I do the same. We do this all the time, and it's a way of telling each other "I want to leave now." 


She does it again this time slightly harder and this time I look over at her. She points to another group of boys a little ways over, and I notice that they're all staring at us. I hate it when people stare at me, because there isn't anything attractive to stare at. I have black hair and blue eyes; completely normal. Maybe they're staring at Jordan. 


Jordan, with her long blonde-ish-brown-ish hair and light green eyes. She usually gets stares wherever she goes. I think I stare at them too long, because I suddenly notice that they've turned around and are talking to another boy with curly red hair and crutches. 


"Who are they?" Jordan asks, like I know.


"Dunno. The brown one's cute though," I say, pointing to the tallest boy with dark brown hair. I usually don't point out people I like, but hey, maybe today would be the day my life actually turns out to be wonderful. I doubt it.


Jordan gapes at me, and I stare at her. "Him?" She asks and I nod. "The one that keeps looking over here?" I nod again. 


She smiles at me and begins to walk to the group of boys, pulling me in tow. We get about five feet from them before I tug her into another section of the museum. "What the hell, Jordan?" I whisper-yell.


"What the hell to you too. C'mon Shey! You've never liked anyone. This is a special occasion! He should know that my antisocial best friend likes him. Oh, we should ask for his name. And his number. You two would be so cute together," she doesn't bother to keep her voice quiet, and I glance to where the boys were. Keyword being: were. 


They aren't with the rest of their group, which is still listening to some guide drown them with useless information. Where are they? My phone vibrates harshly in my pocket and I jump before pulling it out and unlocking the screen. 


Restricted: Leave the museum immediately, Shey. Hurry. Please.


Me: Who the hell is this? How'd you get my number?


Restricted: Please Shey. We want you to be safe, come out. There's a back door behind the statue of Poseidon.


I look at Jordan, who is still rambling on about how adorable our babies will be. What if the random person is some pedo, or a kidnapper? But maybe it's one of those FBI things where there are innocent people that the good guys are trying to help...


Restricted: Hurry they'll find you in a matter of seconds


Me: You aren't some pedo?


Restricted: HURRY ! 


I'm still bewildered at Mr. Unknown's information. If he or she is some 65 year old stalker named Bobby James, then I most definitely wouldn't want to go out there. But the person had said we want you safe.... What if they're really just some kind soul that knows something bad is going to happen and they want me and Jor safe?

I suddenly notice that she’s been trying to get my attention and stare at her blankly. “Uh...sorry what were you saying?”

“I was asking if you saw where the boys went. I have to get his number for you!”

“So what? I think hes cute. There’s nothing wrong with it,” I say before making my way to the Greek hallway, and towards the statue of Poseidon, whose tritan is thrusted towards the sky. Nice pointy thing you got there, buddy, I think.

When I place my hand on the doorknob, I get a harsh shock. I jerk my hand back and Jordan looks at me like I’m crazy. When she turns the handle- and what do you know -nothing happens. I squint into the light that presents itself when she swings the door open. I hear her squeal, and when I look in front of me, I see the three boys from earlier. The brown-haired one has a smirk on his face, the one with crutches is glancing around like something is going to murder him at any second, and the black-haired one has his hands in his pockets.

I raise my eyebrows at the group and for a second the black-haired guy meets my eyes and something lights his dark eyes, but then he looks away. “Is there something you three need?” I ask, trying to keep the eagerness to get away from them hidden.

“Well...I’m the guy that was just so eager to hear what your friend so eagerly wanted to tell me before you rudely pulled her away,” he says coolly.

Is this the guy that texted me? Did he only do it to see what Jor had to say? What a douche...

"My friend Shey here thought you were cute," Jordan blurts. I stare at her with wide eyes, aware of the stares I'm receiving from red head and the bored one. She looks at me and says, "what?"

I open my mouth to speak but Mr. Douchebag McFrazzle pants beats me. "Then let me introduce myself. I am Lucian Chase, but you can call me Luke. This guy here," he points to the red head, "is Nicholas. And my brooding buddy over there is Ethan. He's nice once you get to know him, trust me."

Luke has that smirk that the player guys have when they're sure of themselves. It infuriates me. "I don't like you, Jordan could've heard me wrong or-"

I'm interrupted by a deafening crack, and then everything goes dark.

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