Drowning (Part 2)

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Pidge POV:


Hunk got to him first, lifting him off the ground like he was nothing. "Lance, you're okay!" He looked up, scanned our faces and once he saw Keith and the letter, his entire face changed. Hunk, Shiro, and Allura hadn't noticed, though, and kept hugging him like there was no end. 

Keith hadn't looked at the letter, I realized. He was still staring into air, almost in a traumatized stance. I looked back at the group. 

"Let's get you some food, o-okay?" Coran whispered. They continued to huddle together like penguins, so I went over to Keith.

He looked up. "Pidge?" I nodded.

"H-he was really going to..." I just nodded again, making me sob and hug him. 

After a few seconds, he broke the silence. "It was my fault, wasn't it?"

I pushed him back. "No, you idiot! It wasn't our fault!"

"Then why did he almost die, Pidge? Why did he..." chokes caught up in his throat and we hugged again. 

"It- it wasn't your fault Keith. It wasn't anyone's fault, okay?" He nodded. "Now, let's go find everyone else."

I broke away and walked toward the kitchen, not realize Keith had stayed in the room another few seconds, looking down and the paper like it was his life source.

Keith POV:

I looked down at the paper. 

I hadn't opened it yet, and I debated if I wanted to or not. Blood had sunk into the bottom of the paper, leaving to wonder what was inside. Instead, I shoved it into my pocket and ran to the kitchen.

I'm currently working on the third part!

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