No Truths and All Lies (Part 2)

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 Lance felt sick to his stomach as he walked away, slightly lightheaded as he always went when he got anxious enough.

That had been way too close. It was only because Keith had been nosy, right? It wasn't like he cared or anything- there was no way Keith cared for him more than the limits of forming Voltron allowed. 


Lance snuck through the hallways towards the one spot in the hallways with a window in it near a storage space, making it a great hiding spot as no one would look over there in search of him.

However, after Lance had bundled up in one of the blankets he left there, Keith emerged from the other side of the hallway without Lance noticing.

Keith stared at him solemnly for a few seconds before sitting down next to him, almost making Lance jump off the ground, and causing him to stammer incohesive sentences. 

"Keith?? Ho-How did you- wait. Were you following me?"

Keith shrugged and looked away. "You looked sad I guess." He started to stand up. "I can leave if you wa-" Lance yanked him down by the shoulder.

"No! No, it's fine." Realizing he was still gripping onto his bicep (which was really muscular like woah) he ripped his hand away and turned a slight pink. "I uhh, I mean I don't," he gulped quietly. "I don't mind."

A few seconds of comforting silence went by.

"Why were you lying?" Keith asked, his voice so low it was almost a whisper.

Lance, for some reason, didn't feel like hiding his feelings and spoke honestly. "I'm scared of what y- the team will uh." He sighed. "What they'll think of me when I tell the truth."

"What truth?" Lance was quiet for a few moments.

"It's hard to explain, I guess. But in a way, I sort of, I dunno, put on a persona?" Lance rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't really show how I really feel, to put it oddly."

Keith pondered. "Oh." Lance panicked for a few seconds. WhydidIsaythatWhatdoeshethinkof me nowIprobablysoundsostupid-

Instead of mocking him, Keith grabbed his hand, and Lance turned his head to look at him. Keith had flushed cheeks too, making it easier to bear how embarrassing he was acting.

"You don't have to be afraid of what the team thinks of you. We all accept you, whatever you're feeling." While Keith was talking, Lance started to realize how deep and purple his eyes looked, exactly like the view outside the thick pane of glass separating the deep abyss of space from the two. 

"A-and," Lance gulped again, slightly less subtle this time. "What do you think of me?" Suddenly the floor became more interesting than his eyes.

Keith grabbed his face and kissed him, leaving the words to be revealed through actions.

"I think you're the future."

AWWWWWWWWW wasn't that cute. I'm so proud that I did this within a reasonable amount of time instead of a few months. I guess I've been feeling more productive lately? Also, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase comment because after this I have absolutely 0 ideas. Thanks!

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