03 | table read - first meeting

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maisie's palms were sweaty as she waited outside the room. her agent just left her to grab a coffee and for her to have some alone time before the table read. maisie was petrified. she had only gotten a few small parts in some shows such as teen wolf (she got killed but still, she was on the show nonetheless) and a few small bbc and itv shows back in england. though her parts were small, she seemed to have gained a big following on social media from these.

she was discovered by her youtube channel she created when she was fifteen. shes now twenty, going on twenty one and shes finally gotten her big break. her life had developed in a positive way and she couldnt be happier.

when everyone had turned up, they all greeted her and each other, after this they all made their way to their seats and got on with the table read.

"so before we start, we have a few new people joining us this season, both cast and crew," the matt said and his brother continued on.

"- and lastly, maisie carlson who is playing Cindy," ross came to a close with his speech.

maisie was playing a girl called cindy, who had just turned up from england to hawkins magically. she found out that her character was there due to hawkins lab and is like eleven.

maisie was so excited for her part in the show, it wasnt big but it was big enough. she made nearly every episode.

after the table read, the anxiety drifted a little as she settled in and got chatting to the rest of the cast, the people she'd had to be with for the time they were shooting the show.

maisie and natalia swapped numbers and when all of them were home, they all followed each other on twitter, instagram etc if they hadn't already.

maisie was in complete awe at everyone, she was so thankful and appreciative for what this year had to offer. excited was an understatement.

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