126 | leaving

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"i cant believe you're leaving," maisie groaned with sadness.

"we'll see each other real soon, okay?" he sighed reassuring his girl, but mostly himself.

she nodded sadly, "im just going to miss you so much," she said sadly, a pout forming on her lips.

he held her face in his hands, "hey," he mumbled, "its okay. we can facetime and text and call. you gotta come to Chicago anyway, you promised finn." he said.

"oh yeah!" she exclaimed, "i'm definitely coming to chicago... for finn."

he smiled, "for finn."

maisies time was finally up and joe got called to go on his flight, she gave him a big, long hug and a dozen kisses, they said their goodbyes and joe gave her one last kiss on the lips before heading off.

something didn't feel right, however. she couldn't just let him walk off like this. no, this was not how it should end she thought.

"Joe!" she called, loud enough for him to whip around, "I love you!" she shouted with no inch of regret in her words.

he looked at her in shock but then his face turned to a massive grin, "I love you, Maisie."

and with that, they were gone their separate ways, but both with giant smiles on their face. they felt whole.

it took them 126 chapters
to say i love you.
we don't move fast bois ! 

genesis | j.keery ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now