12 | nose bleed

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it was late at night and maisie was getting tired. she was cold so they wrapped her up in a big puffy jacket and blankets. the weather in the evening/ night time was absolutely freezing. you would have thought maisie would be used to this kind of weather being english and all, but nope. it was fucking freezing.

"im freezing my fucking tits off," she whined.

joe laughed at the pale girl in front of her, "awe," he cooed, "c'mere," he said opening his arms up. she did exactly what he said and snuggled into his chest.

"did someone say group hug?!" gatens voice rang through their ears.

the two young adults groaned jokingly and soon enough gaten, finn, noah and caleb were all cuddling up to them both.

"what a lovely family hug," joe jokes.

"i love my kids," maisie jokes, too snuggling closer to him.

joe and maisie seemed to have gotten close over the time they were filming the show. they only had a few scenes together but their call times seemed to always be on the same day after on another weirdly, so they always seemed to bump into each other. they were close. they bonded and joked about a lot. it was a different relationship however to natalia and her's relationship. though the two girls were close, joe and maisie seemed to have a closer bond. she found it oddly confusing but, nonetheless, she loved his company. even though she'd never admit that to him without it being a joke.

they had a kind of love hate relationship, however. they were very jokey towards each other, -despite the times they were serious with each other- and joe was somewhat patronising towards her in a non-serious way. he'd pick on her but she definitely was not the victim. they were both just as bad as each other.

the group hug soon came to an end and maisie was sat on the bonnet of the old car with finn.

she was picking on him jokingly as he was shooting things back at the older girl he admired so much until his eyes went wide,

"what?" she said, confused. then she felt it. she felt the cold blood drip out of her left nostril.

"this is not a drill! this is real, holy fuck finn!" she freaked out.

he was doubled over with laughter at the twenty year old having a freak out over a nose bleed.

eventually, joe came to the rescue after finn shouted for joe's assistance to take care of fins mum.

"my hero," she said with a tissue shoved up one nostril whilst rolling her eyes.

"hey, misses." he pointed his finger at her, "if you keep rolling your eyes at me, they'll roll out of that fuckin idiotic head of yours."

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