118 | family (edited)

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maisie let out a sigh of happiness as her and joe got into her bedroom and plopped on her bed in pure exhaustion.

"i cant believe they loved you- i mean i can because theres no reason not to, but im.- im gunna shut up," she giggled.

joe leant over to her and gave her a kiss with a little chuckle, "your family are lovely people." he said to her.

she smiled up at him giving him a quick kiss, he patted her thigh and got up, sorting out his suitcase.

maisie's mum had told him to take out all his dirty laundry and let her wash it, he opted to do it himself but michelle was adamant for him to let her do it.

"your room is cute too. i like it," he pointed out, looking around it and picking up and touching random things around it, "its very you."

she smiled as she watched him, "i mean, i have basically lived here for twenty one years, so its gunna be me," she joked and he rolled his eyes in reply to her comment.

her room was quite big with a double dead by the wall long window. she had a desk filled with random magazines and makeup she doesn't really touch anymore. she has had a mirror next to it and an on-suite. she also had a tv on the wall in front of her bed that she was now setting up to play a movie.

"its too early for the grinch!" joe yelled at the girl.

"its never too early for the grinch!" she said tugging on the dvd he snatched away from her, "give me the damn dvd!" she yelled back at him.


he then suddenly let go of the dvd without maisie expecting it, making her fly backwards and joe double over in laughter on his knees.

"you asshole," she laughed.

he blew her a kiss and gave her a cheeky wink in response.


"so, what're you two doing tomorrow then?" maisies mum asked the couple.

maisie, joe, her younger sister lily, younger brother anderson, older brother harrison and her parents were all sat at the dinner table eating her mothers home made cooked meal, something maisie had missed so dearly when being abroad.

maisie shrugged, "maybe go around brighton?" she suggested, glancing at joe.

joe gave a shrug in response, "we could do, you could show me around," he smiled.

she nodded before taking another bite of her food.

"lily could go with you if you wanted? get to know joe, and have some sister time," her mum pushed on.

maisie looked over at lily who was smirking at her, "we could do that." she grinned at her older sister.

"are you at school tomorrow, anderson?" maisie asked her little brother.

he nodded sadly, "i mean, i dont have to be," he suggested making his mother protest. however this made joe and the two carlson girls laugh at anderson's suggestive tone.

dinner wasn't as uncomfortable as one thought it may have been, joe was currently in the kitchen helping clean up after dinner had finished whilst maisie was having a bath.

"is this your first time in england?" she asked him.

joe nodded, "yeah. its really lovely, i cant wait to go out and see more of the area," he said to maisies mother.

"oh it is lovely," she gushed, "brighton is beautiful, david and i grew up here and we just love it. i hope maisie will show you about tomorrow or before you go, it's truly lovely i think you'll appreciate the area."

whilst michelle was talking, joe couldnt help but laugh to himself, it felt as though he was talking to an older version of maisie, they were both rambled on and when they talked about something they felt passionate about, they spoke really fast as if there were too many words to come out at once.

michelle caught the boy smiling brightly to himself and questioned him, he felt his cheeks tint a pink and shook his head, "its just, you and maisie are very similar," he said.

"i mean, i did bring her into this world," she joked, nudging his side.

"yep, you could almost be twins," he laughed, "she's a wonderful girl," he added.

"i know," her mum replied, "but she can be a complete twat sometimes so try and be easy on her when she is, she hasn't had a proper relationship before."

joe nodded at her words, completely understanding what she meant, he thought she was going to carry on until michelles eyes trailed to the door catching sight of harrison, "leave the poor boy alone, mum." she joked.

"im not doing anything!" she said in defence.

harrison laughed, rolling her eyes at her mum, "maisie's out of the bath and i think she might be going to bed in a bit, she wanted me to fetch you," harrison said to joe.

"well thank you for fetching me, i best go up to the royal princess then," joe jokingly spoke, relieved when the two girls laughed at his comment. he left the kitchen and trudged up the stairs to see maisie.

joe had gotten on well with maisies older brother, Harrison who was twenty three, although joe was very intimidated by the boy, they had really hit it off and joe was happy about that.

harrison really liked maisies choice of boys, he was skeptical but he was also a very chill brother- which was really good, so he approved of joe.

the night ended soon when both joe and maisie passed out in her bed whilst bad moms was playing to itself on the tv screen.

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