78 | premiere

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no spoilers but mature themes are abrewin so read at ur own risk / skip if ur yung or not at an age where u find sexual themes funky x

"you look amazing," joe mumbled into maisie's ear as they walked on from getting their photos taken outside the venue.

"you don't look too bad yourself, keery," she smiled up at him.

they tried to separate theirselves from each other on the carpet so things looked normal, it wasn't that they were trying to hide their relationship, as it was pretty obvious, they just wanted to keep a part of their lives on the down low. they didn't feel like they needed to justify their relationship and announce it to the world. they were allowed at least a bit of privacy and to be selfish when they wanted to. being in the public eye is hard and some things are better left unsaid.

however, throughout the whole process on the carpet, joe couldn't keep his eyes off of maisie. he loved the dress she was wearing and just how insanely beautiful the girl was as a whole. he couldnt wait to get her alone at some point tonight, though he knew that would be proven difficult.

"stop looking at me like that," maisie had to whisper to joe sternly.

"like what?" he whispered back at the girl whom was smiling at people looking their way, trying to act natural.

"like all you wanna do is rip my dress off,"

joe smirked and leaned down to her ear, "its too nice to destroy, i'd take it off you with care,"

she rolled her at him and pushed him away from her letting out a little giggle, "behave! we gotta act natural, remember our plan?"

it was now joes turn to roll his eyes. yes he did remember their plan, as much as he tried to forget it. before the premiere maisie called him up and told him that they needed to act normal around each other and not to do anything that could look suspicious. after a little petty back and forth argument from them both about the situation, joe finally gave in when maisie offered him a blowy after the premiere - which was suppose to be a joke.

"yeah, yeah. anything for a blowy."

"shut up you pig!" she choked on her words with wide eyes,

"you suggested it!" he argued back,

"it was a joke!!" she defended herself.

joe laughed at the girls reaction, he was about to say something back when maisie got called off by natalia leaving joe behind to admire her from afar.

the whole night kind of consisted of this, maisie and joe being split up which got them both a little irritated. when they finally got to sit down at the table, maisie saw her name card and hoped that joes would be next to hers, however she couldn't help but feel disappointed  that they were split up by none other than finn wolfhard himself.

"oh hello," he smirked at the two older kids as he sat down between them, "what a lovely surprise, to be sat in between my mother and father,"

maisie let out a little whine. don't get her wrong,she loved finn but for some reason she just wanted to spend all her time with joe. in that moment she realised how attached she was to him.

food came, speeches were made and more photos were taken.

"right, get up," finn demanded half way through the evening, maisie looked at him confused, "i cant stand how lost you look without him so just, just swap places with me and sit next to him. you're pathetic,"

she wasted no time in swapping seats with finn and sharing a big smile with him, not only that but she gave him a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek. finn blushed but soon covered it up by overdramatically wiping his face from maisies kiss.

joe gave a little wink over in finns direction and then rested a hand on maisies knee, "hey," he said.

"hi," she said back with a cute little smile on her face.

"have i told you how good you look?" he said and she nodded,

"you were passing messages through finn for about half an hour telling him to tell me that i looked good and that you missed me, dumbass." she rolled her eyes.

"i do miss you," he says into her ear, "wait five minutes and then meet me in the hallway." he mumbled against her skin before excusing himself.

she felt chills sprint up the back of her neck. she tried not to look suspicious whilst the longest five minutes of her life passed, "he ditch you already?" finn joked.

she laughed, "ha, very funny. im just gunna pop to the loo quick, ill be back," she mumbled the last bit to finn as if he was completely oblivious to what was going on around him.

he might be fourteen, but that didnt mean he was stupid.

she found the back of her boy straight away and didnt take a moment at all to wrap her arms around him and drag him into a kiss. the kiss was heated, to say the least. their hands were rummaging over each others bodies almost as if they hadn't felt each other in years.

"i love kissing you," she mumbled against him

joe hummed in response and attached his lips to hers again, they suddenly made their way to an out of order bathroom and joe placed maisie up onto the sink, standing in between her legs.

joe slipped the straps of maisies dress off of her shoulders and started kissing down her neck, shoulders till he reached her collarbones.

"joe, we can't," maisie said, though she didn't do anything to try and stop him. instead she let out an unexpected moan due to joes actions.

he didnt stop and they were both happy that he didn't, his hand made its way up her long dress and his fingers skimmed up against her leg, reaching her thigh, she sighed in pure pleasure at his touch and brought his body closer to hers, she held his head down into the crook of her neck where he was nipping, kissing, sucking her skin. his fingers danced and explored her lower body and she sighed, moaned and whimpered his name as he worked his magic.

he looked into her eyes, she was grabbing his hair whilst she was nearly finishing. suddenly her eyes closed and her head tilted back as she let out a moan of his name that he loved falling from her lips, spilling all over joes fingers.

he took his hand out of her and placed a finger in her mouth seductively, before placing it in his own little out a humming nose, "always a bonus when she tastes as good as she looks."

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