88 | make up... make out?

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the knock on the flat door made maisies ears peak up and her eyes widen. she rushed to the door stumbling over a few shoes and opened it straight away, "joe," she breathed out.

he took no time to attach his lips to hers straight away. he hummed into the kiss, missing the taste of her lips ever so much. they couldn't believe how long they had gone not tasting each other.

they pulled away and then the room felt more serious. she gestured for him to come in and she closed the door. he took his shoes of which maisie laughed mentally about and they headed to her room.


she cut joe off, "im so sorry. im so sorry for having ago at you and ruining your time in japan. i know we didnt get to go out together and do fun things, im sorry i didnt say anything and sorted it out right there and then, im really fucking sorry," she blurted out.

"woah, woah, woah. slow down. firstly, its okay. secondly, it didnt ruin my trip i just wish we could have spent it with each other and not having the awkwardness lingering in the air," he admitted.

she sighed, "i know. and im really sorry, i just-," she let out huff, "being with somebody is overwhelming. joe- i really like you. like, so much. and i just cant believe how much i like somebody- i thought that would never happen. i thought - well i wasnt thinking lets be honest. i dont know why i had a sudden out burst, i think it was because i was just stressed. and i guess it could have been because i realised how amazing and caring you are towards me and i just feel like im not like that towards you. i-i, i just feel like i dont give enough to you."

after blurting her feelings out to the boy she was falling in love with, she felt the tears gathering in the brim of her eyes. she was so emotionally involved with him it was tearing her apart. it was draining but she couldnt let him go.

"maisie. i cant tell you how much i appreciate you. you just being here makes me so happy and - i cant even explain it. you make me feel all kinds of things and in all honesty, its scary. but i wouldnt give it up for anything. i like you too much to just drop you." he laughed lightly, "you're amazing, maisie."

"but," she started up again, "do you ever feel like i dont do enough in this relationship?" she asked honestly.

"absolutely not." he replied without a stutter. "not once have i ever thought that, why would i? we both bring the same amount of admiration for one another. a relationship is a team. not a one player game." he said, "sometimes i do wonder if you like me as much as i do, but i guess thats anyones insecurity inna relationship," he shrugs.

"honestly, i said the same thing to sadie. i always doubt myself and feel like i come off too strong or something and that no one likes me as much as i like them, you know?" she sighed.

joe let out a laugh, "you spoke to sadie about relationships?  when she had a fit over her first kiss?" he snorted, "did she cover her ears and star gagging?" he joked.

she rolled her eyes, "shut up, asshole! next time ill talk to dacre about it then. if i had he would of just told me to give you a blowy as an apology," she snorted.

her comment made joe smirk, maisie saw and slapped his shoulder. "i spoke to dacre about us. he asked if we were arguing because we've had sex so i told him we hadn't and he goes, well then thats clearly the reason youre both arguing."

maisies mouth went wide and shock was plastered on her face, "close your mouth babe," he winked.

"oh, don't you usually like it open?" she winked back.

there wasn't much talking after that moment.

there u go. i didnt want u all to wait too long and i dont do drama irl so i find it hard to do it in a book lol. i hope you're all enjoying it tho, pls let me know if you are/arent i'd love to hear your thoughts. also if u wanna see anything else or whatever! let me kno!

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