135 | new things

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"so the movie is a christmas one about a girl who is coming home to see her family and she's basically tryna find the meaning of christmas and life and hope blah blah blah, its a feature film and i think you'd be amazing for the part but only thing is, i need an audition tape to be sent to them for tomorrow..."

maisies eyes widened at lindsey's last words, she was excited to audition for a movie but the thought of having to produce something in such a short time terrified her.

"its okay though, i have the script and the deadline is eleven pm tomorrow, so we have the whole of today and tomorrow to practice," she went on, "its mostly to do with your performance on emotions more so than the way you deliver lines."

so thats what today consisted of. maisie reading line after line of a story and a character she had suddenly fallen in love with.

she was excited to audition, she was excited to see what else she could achieve. she was excited to see what the future in acting held for her.

this is the shortest chapter of my
life but i needed to add this dialogue
in simply so you understood
where and whats happening
w this story!!!

genesis | j.keery ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now