Main: The Man who risked it all. Frank Ryan [part 3 & 4]

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He turned as he slowly rubbed his throat, “…same to you.”

I gritted my teeth.  This little punk has no clue what I’ve been through.  He has no idea what I’ve lost to get this close.  I can’t ignore the fact that his questions struck a nerve.  What’s going on with me?  It’s rare when I lose my cool so quickly.  I guess the memories behind Kareem’s story finally got to me after all.  It shouldn’t have been such a touchy subject.  I glanced down at the wrinkled pages sprawled across my desk, “…I have to see this through for all there sakes.”

It was time.  The kid and I spent the moments before going over our plan and it was finally time to make a move.  I gave him some precautions to take and he seemed willing to listen.  The objective was to break in and destroy the central processing unit for Solstice and discover what we could about Tempest.  With any luck we’ll complete the objective without making much of a scene.  I’d like to be in and out but something tells me it won’t be that easy.  So keeping my eye on the kid is going to be a mission in itself. 

The elevator rattled as it lowered to the fourth floor.  As the doors opened an anxious Jace exited and began waiting impatiently.  He sighed as he held the doors open.  He seemed ready.  He held his helmet under his left arm, his gloves were already on and his boots were fully laced and ready to go. He was dressed in black from head to toe and nothing hung loosely.  He fully heeded each of my precautions.  Maybe we’d be fine after all?

He glanced at me with a look of concern, “You ready to go yet?”

I nodded as I grabbed my bag, “Once we’re in head straight to the offices upstairs.  The priority is to find news on Tempest.”

He stepped back into the room letting the doors close behind him, “I thought the priority was the CPU for Solstice?”

“We currently have nothing on Tempest if that continues we’ll be blind after this is over.  It’s better to have the info.  Planning attacks is the easy part.”

He nodded in agreement then turned and pressed the call button for the elevator.  The doors slowly open as we stepped inside.  We stood quietly as the old elevator rattled its way down to the first floor.  I could only imagine what could be going through his mind.  If there was any other way I’d gladly take it but I can’t do this alone.  I’m fortunate that it was him who found me and due to his ability it will make sneaking in and out easier.

We exited the elevator and entered the back alleyway.  The goal was to reach Town Center to the Hitchcock Building where part of the Solstice is said to be housed.  If time allows we should be able to uncover additional information on Tempest as well.  All and all the mission is to destroy the first of four CPU HUBs that contains programing and data storage for Solstice.  Once we’ve completed the mission we’ll regroup and head to the next target and so on until Solstice is finished. 

Just as we entered the exit of the alley way I felt Jace’s hand on my shoulder and before I knew it we were airborne.  It didn’t take us long to reach the Hitchcock complex.  I had Jace drop us off a rooftop away so I could begin surveillance.  I removed my backpack and recovered my night vision binoculars.  While I scanned the area to generate a security head count, Jace retrieved a pair of small walkie-talkies from his pack.

“What do you expect to do with this?” I asked as I returned to my surveillance.

He frowned up his face, “…so we can keep in contact.”

“You’re talking through a helmet kid.  How do you plan to use these?”

“The lower part of my helmet opens.  This way we’ll be able to…”

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