CHAPTER 7 | Truth

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(A/N: Dear my precious readers - 

Before we start, I just wanted to apologize for all those lame jokes I used in the last chapter. Today, my friend came up to me and scolded for making my FF so lame and boring. I am so sorry, I will not do those lame jokes (on this FF) anymore. And my friend also scolded me for making Jungkook suddenly act so nicely to Y/N. She said he sounded like he was not guilty enough. But the truth is, this FF is going to end in the 10th chapter, so I am hurrying some bits. And Jungkook is  actually really guilty about what he had done in the past. I apologize again.)


<A week later>

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jungkook asked, putting his arm around me. 

I gave him a weak smile and nodded. 

"You are not okay. Let's go to the hospital."


"Y/N, why do you hate hospitals so much? The only thing you are gonna do is just sitting down while the doctors examine you." 

"I am fine." 

"No you are not. You can't even walk properly." 

"I am just tired." I replied in a cracked voice. 

"You don't sound okay." 

"I said I am okay." 

"Y/N, listen to me. I know you are not okay, and you know it too." Jungkook said, staring deeply into my eyes. "Let's go to the hospital just for a check-up, okay?"

I shook my head. "I think I just have a cold."

"Yeah, so why don't we just get a simple check-up?"


Jungkook sighed and folded his arms. "Fine. But at least let me go and buy some medicines for you."

"What medicine?"

"For your cold." 

"Seriously, you don't need to."

"Y/N!! Stop this nonsense!! Now go lie down in the bed while I get the medicine." 


"You are a stubborn girl, aren't you?" He chuckled, scooping me up in a bridal style. 

"Hey!! Let go! I am gonna fall!!" I screamed, my voice cracking. 

"Don't use your voice too much, it's bad for your sore throat." 

"I don't have a sore throat."

"Yeah you do." Jungkook rolled his eyes and gently laid me down on my bed. "Now be a good girl and wait for me, okay?" 

I nodded. "Be careful. The roads are slippery because of the snow." 

"Don't worry, I am a good driver." Jungkook smiled and with a last wave, he went out, softly closing the door behind him. 

As soon as the door closed, I ran to the window and watched Jungkook drive away in his car. Relieved that he was gone, I slowly walked back to my bed, breathing unevenly. 

It felt like hard something was in my chest, blocking out all the air. It felt like a knife was trying to rip through my lungs, making me dizzy from the pain. 

My health was getting worse everyday. 

Every time I tried to breathe, only coughs came out and more coughs meant more headaches. 

"Ahh!!!" I gasped for air, trying to calm my burning lungs. 

Then I started to cough nonstop, just like the first day I found out I had a lung cancer.

"Ugh...." I groaned through the coughs, reaching out for the box of tissues beside the night light. 

I pulled out several sheets from the box and covered my mouth with them until the coughing stopped. My throat felt like it was ripped into pieces. My head was pounding madly.  

I sighed weakly as I slowly removed the tissues away from my mouth. 

And of course, there was a big spot of blood in the middle. 

"I can't let Jungkook see this..." I mumbled as I searched the room for the rubbish bin. 


With the sound of door opening, my heart dropped. 

"Jagi-ya, I am back! The pharmacy store was really close by so I only had to drive for like three minutes to get there. Isn't that a good thing?" I heard him hum as he approached me. 

"W-Wait!! Stay there." I hissed in a squeaky voice. "Don't come near me."

"What's wrong, Y/N? Are you okay?" 

"Please go out of the room for a second." I looked up at him with teary eyes. 

"What's wrong - " Jungkook whispered as he sat down on the bed next to me, putting his arm around my waist. 

Then he saw it. The blood-soaked tissues in my hand. 

"Y-Y/N....?" He whispered in a trembling voice, his widened eyes glued to the tissues.

And I knew I couldn't hide the truth anymore.



I typed this in my phone, so there might be a lot of mistakes... :')

J.J.K | When Time Stops [BOOK 1] *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now