Chapter seven

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Kou looks at ayato and his right eye glows red and then he chuckles. I look at him and ask, "so, what did you see kou".
"Hmmm. Ayato has feeling for yui as well!"

We all turn to look at ayato and we see his face go from pale to extremely red like blood.
"And he was going to tease yui about her liking him and then eventually tell her that he likes her as well"
"Well when are you gonna start dating", I ask.
"Dating?" Asks yui
"Um yeah?" I say, "wait, l know how about you two start to day!?"

Suddenly the car stops and I look out the window and I see a huge building. Damn. how do you not get lost in it.
We get out of the car and there are a million fan girls crowding around us. As soon as I get out everyone shuts up and starts whispering.
"Is she living with them now, uhh she's so ugly"
"She better not lay her filthy hand on my shu!"
I just ignored those rude comments and tagged behind the boys. I then crept up to ayato and jumped on his shoulders and then I landed with a thump on the floor which made him turn around.

I started singing, "Ayato and yui sitting in a tree k-I-S"
He covered my mouth and turned bright red. I moved his hand away and gave him a punch on the arm and he playfully hit the back of my head which made me giggle and said, " your welcome for getting you guys together and you have to pay me back".
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I'll pay you back".

I gave him a closed eye smile and walked towards reiji as I felt the glares of the fan girls piercing through my back. I ignore them and ask reiji to give my time table. He hands it to me and I have the worst subjects on my time table I have:
Whhhhhyyyyyyyyy did I have to have the worst classes today!?!?!!!🤢
Before reji could tell me where my class is I walk off and walk around the school trying to find a dance studio, since it was a huge school. I was walking around for about five minutes when I bump into some one and say, "watch where your going", without looking up at who it was.
"What are you doing out of class on your first day, Lyra?"

I look up and see subaru glaring down at me.
"I should be asking you the same thing", I say, "but anyway, do you know where the dance "
studio is?"
"Yeah but why, not that I care or something"
"I do dancing and I'd like to see the studio, is there a problem with that?"
He ignores my question and turns on his heel and I follow him. We walk down a long corridor and then we come to a stop.
"That's the dance studio"
"Thanks", I say and I push open the door and see that there are some girls that I saw from earlier. They were the fan girls.
"Oh, if it isn't for miss ugly"
"You just had to come here and ruin our practice" 
"Stay away from my ayato okay, or else"
I just look at them and say, "first of all, none of yous were practicing and second ofall ayato is already dating."
"What, How?", asks one of them.
"Oh, I was just shipping them in the car, but they both confessed there feelings", I say in a monotonous voice.
"Who is he dating", asks another one.
"I'll tell you if you beat me in a dance contest, you in?"
"We're all in", they say in unison

Hey guys author-chan here
I hope you guys like the chapter and I will update as soon as possible
And remnember to VOTE and COMMENT
Author-chan out

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