Chapter nineteen

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Subaru's POV
I teleport into her room, to find Lyra curled up in a ball and sitting next to her is sawako.

The intoxicating aroma was coming from Lyra, yet she didn't have any bite marks and I could smell her blood.

Sawako's POV

I felt a new presence in the room and it was subaru. I could tell by his facial expressions he was trying to contain his blood lust.

" did you hurt your self, not that I care", Tsunbaru asks avoiding eye contact.

Yandere mode activated.
If this guy touches Lyra or looks at her, ima rip of his head. But then again he made a deal with Lyra of not attacking or biting her.
Yandere mode deactivated.

"Nah, she's on her period", I calmly reply, not knowing what I just did.

Oh, shit tucky mushrooms. Lyras going to fucking kill me.
Subaru is blushing like hell and Lyra looks like a tomato and she has her hands in a fist and the6 are sooo damn white.

"He-he, oops?", I nervously chuckle, scratching the back of my head

Me and subaru sweat drop at lyras deadly aura.

Lyra's POV

How could that idiot say that to him. I swear if I didn't heave any cramps right now I would be strangling her.

I am right now fighting the urge to scream at both of them, Well mostly sawako.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"You two. Get. To. Of. My. Room", I say with a menacing tone, and a dark aura surrounding me.

"He-he, ok um-bye Lyra. Just stay warm and get well soon, cya", sawako nervously says.

"Tch", and with that Subaru teleports away, to who knows where.

Finally peace and quiet. 'Theses stupid cramps aren't letting me sleep'. So I get out of bed and make my way to my dresser so i could get my headphones. Suddenly I saw a packet a snickers on the floor. Sawako must have left there for me, knowing that I crave chocolate.

I grabbed the packet and my headphones and made my way back to bed. I listened to some classical music, so I would calm down and fall asleep, which finally worked.

Time skip to next day

"Alright, soldier! It's time to wake up!"

Who the heck would think of coming into my room to wake me up when I have periods. Well I'm ignoring them.

"Up! Up! Up!", sawako screeches, yanking the blankets of me.

"Noooooooo, go away!", I groan.

"Come on hurry up or I'll take your chocolate", she threatens me, which works.

"Ok, ok", I say getting of the bed and grabbing my packet of chocolates and I made my way to the bathroom.

I was obviously not going to leave my babies (chocolates) with her. After all she loves food especially chocolate.

I came out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready, in proper school attire, while munching on a snicker.

"What the fuck Lyra?! Why are you wearing a skirt?", she asks suprised and wide eyed.

"Because I can and what if someone sees the outline of the pad"

"Your just being paranoid and if it really bothers you then were a tampon", she suggests.

"What!? No, I'm not sticking something up my ass", I argue back.

"It's actually up your *whispers* vajayjay"

"Same thing", I whine.

Time skip after our little argument.

Sawako's POV

Lyra is stil wearing the god damn skirt. I wish she would change it.

We are now walking down the hall way to the living room while Lyra is munching on her third snickers.

I should stop her, but *does evil laugh* she would go all hyper and that is all ways funny.

We reach the stairs where a huge chandelier is hanging from the ceiling. This catches lyras eye and I'm pretty sure she's going to swing on it.

Yep, called it.

She runs up and jumps on to the chandelier swinging back and forth, singing chandelier.

"I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandeliers", she sings on the top of her lungs.

"What's all the commotion and why is she on the chandelier", pigeon face says walking.

"How's it going pigeon face", I ask with an adorable smile, acting all innocent.

"I'm on my period!!", Lyra screams.

Now she definitely going to die of embarrassment when she comes back to normal.

"She's hyper as well", I say with a stoic face.

Suddenly Lyra jumps down from the chandelier and faints. Wow. That was unexpected.

"She'll wake up in a sec"

"Mhm, what's that delicious smell", laito says walking into the room.

"Great it's the pedobear", sawako says.

"Hmm, why is feisty-chan on the floor?", he asks.

"She fainted, due to blood loss", reiji informs.

"~~is she on her Periods?", laito asks.

"Apparently, yes", reiji answers.

My hand is itching to punch his face, but I need to control the anger.

Lyra POV

"Uhhh-my head hurts", I groan.

"Wait why am on the floor", i ask, getting of the floor dusting my skirt.

"Um, chocolate, ring a bell?", sawako answer.

That's when it hits me.

"Was I swinging on the chandelier?"


"Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh- I hate my life".

I just felt like bawling my eyes out and the pain was back as well.

I sat on the floor and brought my legs to my chest and cried.

"Is she going to be okay", ayato asked coming out of the shadows.

"Yeah , she's just being bipolar", sawako answerd.

Third person POV

After a few minutes Lyra had stopped crying and just listened to music, while everyone made there way down.

She still didn't know that most of them knew that she was on her period.

Finally the limo arrived and everyone made their way in.

Just as the car took of, lyras phone rung.

Lyra POV

My phone started ringing.

'Unknown number. That's strange, I don't even have any signal'.

I answer the phone

"Hello", I ask

"Hey sis".

Hey guys, authorxchan here,

I know I said that I would update earlier, but I was really busy with moving things around in my room and I had my devices taken off me as well. So I finally managed to complete the chapter. I hope enjoyed and don't forget to vote.

Author-chan out

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